
Is it true that coffee can cause headaches?

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ive always heard that some of my friends don't drink coffee because they'll get headaches after consuming it. i wasn't bothered by their rantings, as i was a lover of coffee, and i prefer it to tea. however lately, i seem to get this headache and apparently it seems i get it after i drink coffee. i don't know whether it is related or it was merely a coincidence.

so im curious to know whether coffee can cause headaches and if it is true, what are the causes. if you even know why only now i'm getting those headaches, please explain it to me.




  1. mmm...I think caffeine withdrawal definitely does for me.

  2. I heard that a lot too but I'm a bit addicted to coffee and I get headaches only when I DON'T drink coffee in the morning. However, since I started getting these migraine attacks the dr told me to cut drinking that much coffee since it stimulates migraines!

  3. Actually it can go both ways.If your used to drinking coffee and don't it can cause a headache.But it can help cure a headache too. My wife's migraine medicine is mostly caffeine.Most over the counter headache medicine has caffeine too.

  4. If you drink too much then you can get headaches. I used to get them too. I quit for a while, because I knew I was hooked on it. But now I just drink a moderate amount.

  5. yes.

  6. It is most likely the caffeine. It takes more water to process than a caffeinated drink offers. This means it actually dehydrates you. Being dehydrated can cause headaches, among other things. I rarely suffer from headaches but when I do I normally drink some water and in 10 - 15 minutes am fine.

    Tea normally has around 50 mg of caffeine. Coffe starts at 85 mg and can have much more. Soda usually has 25 - 35 mg but can have up to 50 - 60 too. This means that coffee is more likely to cause caffeinated related headaches than most other caffeinated drinks, except for energy drinks which normally have about 150 mg of caffeine.

  7. It will cause you more than a headache if you drink mine ........

  8. CAFFEINE in general can cause headaches.

    Wiki it.

  9. the xbox360 is way better than the ps3 the ps3 sucks it has no games what so ever and who cares about bluray i mean the 360 has halo 3 u cant get better then that.

  10. Caffiene is very dehydrating which can lead to headaches but also it is a major factor in migranes as well. I am not too sure on the full extent of it but i know that the dehydrating effect has something to do with it.

  11. coffee dehydrates you. try drinking water after ur coffee...

  12. its the caffine (which means tea and soda can cause it too)

    my cousin couldnt drink soda AT ALL or she'd get TERRIBLE migranes

  13. Yes, some people that have migrianes usualy are effected by caffiene.  Tea or coffee and even coca-cola.

  14. If you get used to a certain amount of caffeine, which is the ONLY reason people drink coffee, and then you try to reduse the amount, you will get headaches.

  15. yes i get headaches and so does my mom

  16. i really do have headache after coffee sometimes!!!

  17. If you are a regular coffee drinker, you can get headaches when you don't have.

    Usually it is the lack of caffine that causes you to have a headach. You can solve the problem by drinking more caffine.

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