
Is it true that cutting the eyelashes of a newborn will make their lashes grow thick and long?

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and also poking their cheeks with a cotton bud will give them dimples?




  1. Again, no and no

  2. I don't think so. Why would you want to do that to your baby anyway?

  3. That's sad. Babies are perfect just the way they are. Man is this world hung up on looks or what.

  4. Hi , what a moran telling you that , i wouldnt dare touch their eyelashes , baby moves i dont think i have to spell it out .

  5. cutting the eyelashes will make their lashes grow thick and long. Yes it does.

    but poking their cheeks, i don't know about it.

  6. My mother-in-law was told this when my sister-in-law was little and cut off  her lashes, all it did was give her a bad eye infection, she had to put this vasoline like stuff on her child's eyes while they healed. The eyelashes help keep allergens and bacteria out of the eye and cutting them off leaves the eyes vulnerable.

  7. No,  Your babies genetics are already set when that egg and sperm come together.  All those crazy wives tales are untrue.

  8. dimples are genetic and as for the eye lashes just like any hair on your body they don't grow thicker just come back in blunt and they grow the same length they would have in the first place

  9. are you crazy??  How would you like it if someone cut your eyelashes and poke you in the cheeks with q-tips.

  10. No and no.

  11. I've heard of the first! Supposedly, the closer you cut to the root of the lash the more it curls when it grows out. My baby cousin had that done and her eyelashes are BEAUTIFUL, so I would know! :D But it's also a little risky because the idea of taking scissors to your baby's eyes is just not so pleasant.

  12. no way

    and my son was born with HUGE dimples just like his daddy.  its toooo adorable  lol :0)

  13. No.  I don't believe that is true.  And I have never heard of it.  I would never cut my babies eyelashes... that is crazy.

  14. Um no....whoever told you that is a MORON.  Dimples are genetic.  And cutting the eyelashes would do nothing but leave the baby with SHORT eyelashes.  

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