
Is it true that dog salvia...?

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has like "healing powers"




  1. I have a strong aversion to saliva in general so I wouldn't want to try to find out.

  2. Salvia???  That makes you trip for like 3 minutes, I wouldn't recommend it unless its fresh, don't get the ones you buy in the shops.  Now Saliva, No it does not have "healing power".  If it had healing powers, we would have a lot of less sick people.  It does however contain enzymes that fight bacteria, thats why a dogs mouth is very clean, even though it may stink.......

  3. No magic in dogs saliva, it is to busy trying to kill the germs of where the tongue has been,.Think about it, they will l**k almost anything and drink from mud puddles and ditches.  How can it have anything to do with healing power.?

    There used to be an old wives tale about the dogs mouth being the cleanest thing around but it is just not so.

    Sorry to ruin your healing power idea but, you have to see a DR. for the real stuff.


  4. No i read in a book that it doesnt its a lie

  5. accordng to native american shamans, yes. has a ton of info on this.  Check it. THey also sells the best extract i ever tried.  I also love Kratom: sells some incredible stuff..

  6. Not really but dogs tend to l**k owner's cuts and it cleans and I belive it helps it not get infected and probably rose the suspition that the dog is magical or something. ;)

  7. Yes

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