
Is it true that dogs can "want" to be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 10 and a half westie female. lately she has been acting very strange. shes gathered up all the toys in the playroom (that she stole), and brought it to her bed to sleep with, kind of like nesting with them, and when i try to take them away, she growls or whimpers, so i let her have them.

im positive that she isnt really pregnant. she never sees other male dogs, and she only goes outside for walks, and never really encounters other males.

and she became so mellow lately, and only nests with her little toys.

so can she "Want" to be pregnant?

i really dont want her to, im getting her spayed next week or 2.

idk, please help and give suggestions!

oh and p.s. shes sitting on my lap right now :D




  1. Chances are your dog is just a "hoarder", and gathering those things because she likes having them.  They might have your smell on them, or remind her of you, so she likes to gather them and keep them in her bed.  she might also think they're neat toys and wants to keep them to play with later!  

    Dogs are funny creatures, but I don't believe they have any concept of pregnancy beyond blind instinct.  I don't believe a dog knows it's pregnant until it discovers its puppies.

  2. I dont think she can want to be pregnant but you should take her to the vet to be positive shes not pregnant

  3. When it comes to reproduction, dogs don't 'want' it.  They are genetically programmed to have breeding cycles.  Hormones can cause all sorts of weird behavior- think a really bad case of PMS in humans or severe Post-Partum Depression.  Dogs don't feel romantic love or have crushes or get married.  It's all quite mechanical.  Your dog could be hoarding her toys for many reasons that have nothing to do with reproduction- I have a cat that likes to pile her toys in a corner each evening- kind of like house cleaning LOL.

    Thank you for being a responsible pet owner and spaying your girl.

  4. No dogs don't "want" to be pregnant. Please see my other reply to your other question. It looks like she maybe having a false pregnancy. If she is then she is at risk of a very serious problem called pyometra. Glad you are getting her spayed

  5. Yes it is true. My Bullmastiff had a phantom pregnancy once. She also grew a bit of a belly. It is because the hormones think that they are in pup at the time. My dad knows a lot about dogs and has had bigger breeds all his life and says that it is also possible to produce milk.

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