
Is it true that dreams can be deceiving? last night my dream was about this girl i like...and it felt real?

by  |  earlier

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do u guys have ny suggestions?




  1. Dreams are just dreams.... they may be based on real life but they have no bearing on it.

  2. We can explore Mars,the depths of the oceans,the highest

    mountains yet dreams are an open-ended question, always

    have been,always will be.

    You need to journal/write down dreams to even begin to

    decipher the symbols.Dreams are symbolic. Over time you

    can figure em' out.

  3. dreams are based off of 3 main elements: our hopes, our fears, and current events that have happened that you know of. However there have been other instances where people have had dreams that felt real and not dream like. i had a dream about a guy i really liked it felt real, and something similar happened 3months later. so be open to the possibilities

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