
Is it true that drink driving is endemic in Flandres?

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I heard this as a comment on Belgian radio recently.




  1. This is probably true as most of the "in" night clubs and going out places are in the Flanders. Do not forget that a lot of French and Dutch people are coming to the Flanders to have fun and a nice night out.

  2. I have no figures on drunk driving in Flanders, but what I do know is that some discos open on Saturday night late and stay open until Monday morning. A surgeon friend of mine who worked long years in an ER from a major hospital , really got sick of seeing the (adolescent) victims of Saturday night wrecks. He made a slide show of horrible mutilated bodies or bodies in the forensic section (without Jordan) and toured high schools showing his eerie show. Some students fainted some girls vomited and hopefully the next time they went to a disco there would be a designated driver.

    Is this phenomenon more frequent than in other countries, or the US? I sincerely don´t know.

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