
Is it true that e10 (ten percent ethanol mixture) works fine in most modern cars?

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i think it does but i'm not sure, i'm trying to come up with good reasons why we need e 10 so if you had any of those that would be nice :)




  1. Other then a decrease in fuel mileage e10 works in an any car that I've driven and I've driven some really old cars, 50+ and older. The only problem I've heard about e10 was clogged fuel filters. E10 will clean out the fuel system and the filter clogs up with gunk, but once the system is clean then no problems. I have heard of people have to replace fuel line, rubber, but I'm willing to bet they needed to be replaced anyway.

  2. Yeah it is true that most cars are not harmed by e10 ethanol (gasohol).

    It is the only type of gasoline allowed to be sold in the states of Connecticut and Minnesota, along with E85.

    About half of the gasoline used in the U.S. contains ethanol.

  3. yes its true check you owners manual for you vehicle many will tell you  what is a minimum and maximum percentage allowable that will have know affect on warranty

  4. Typically most gasoline providers are already using 10% ethanol in their Winter fuel supplies for improved cold weather starting so they say... that is why your mileage in winter drops 3 plus m.p.g. in winter as well.

    Come summer they reduce it to 5% or may vary state to state though but I don't think so.

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