
Is it true that everyone sounds different then they hear themselves?

by Guest59236  |  earlier

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Because I think I sing good but if this is true then maybe I really don't. I'm too shy too sing for someone else because they might lie!




  1. yeah, you sound a lot different in your head than you really do. i hate how i sound, so i never listen to a recording of myself. in my head im almost not annoying sounding.

    ignorance truly is bliss.

  2. It is true, we perceive our own voices to be pitched lower and have richer tone than what they actually sound like to others.

    If you want to hear yourself as others do, you could call your home from a cell phone and sing into the answering machine ;)

  3. I think it is true for most people.

  4. Yes, it is. I always am shocked when I see a video of me where I am talking because I do not recognize my voice. :)

  5. its true that you would sound different.  Try recording yourself and see for yourself.

  6. yes that is true! You voice will not be too different, but it will be different. you can hear yourself when your voice bounces back, after hitting off of a wall, cealing, etc. No recorder can tape your voice exactly the same. I'm sure that if you think you sound good, then you do! Have fun!!!

    *Best answer*

  7. true,

    the otha day my friends were makin' fun f the way i say apples

    they said it sounded mad funny but i thought it sounded normal_you may or may not sing good before you go sing in front of some one tape record yaself or sumthin then if yuu styll think it soundsz good go for the CROWD !

  8. yes, i have a lisp but i cant hear it unless i listen to a recording

  9. tape yourself on a video camera or just on a cassete tape or c.d....its also easier to hear yourself if you cur your hands around your ears

  10. i hope not

  11. I think so. Whenever I hear my voice on camera, it doesn't sound like me at all.

  12. Yes, it's true. when i act and see a recording i sound totally different. and when i sing and listen to a recording i sound so different.

    If u don't know if u have a good voice or not then record or video urself 2 find out.

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