
Is it true that everyone thinks there friends are crazy/wild/& outgoing?

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I've never once heard someone say, "my friends are shy & quiet, but not dumb." i would love to meet some quieter friends that are smart. I'm sick of loud mouths




  1. No I don't think thats true. I have alot of really quiet friends and a bunch of crazy friends.

  2. i think that a lot of people don't say that their friends are shy and quiet because theyre not quiet and shy around them, which is what really matters.

  3. See this what happends all the people who seem are rly shy, are acctually crazy, wild and outgoing with their friends. They feel and act different around people they don't know really well and don't we all.The feel safe around their friends...they know they won't judge them. They know they have nothing to worry about and can be themselves. For examaple my 2 bestfriends seem really quiet at 1st but once you get to know them and become close to them...they are totally crazy. Being freinds isnt about being shy and hiding behind a mask. Its about seeing each other at their best and their worst and loving them anyway. Its about being able to be yourself and act crazy with no fear of judgement. I think your problem is that you seem to make friends who are obnoixious...who don't know when to act serious. I would advise making friends with the new girl or people who seem more reserved. It seems that quiet people always make the bestfriends...they're dimanonds in the rough :)

  4. No. My best friend is a loser. But I still love her <3

  5. Mine are nearly all geeks. Party animals and I don't get on. They are too boring. Or if they are not, the do a great job of acting that way.

  6. My friends are usually like that. Sometimes they can be crazy, wild and outgoing. When you don't know a person they can seem one way, when you get to know them, they are a totally different person. Like me, I seem like a nerd/bookworm, really smart, and sometimes mean. Once you get to know me you find out, I am one brick short of a house, extremely crazy and a wild child.  

  7. My friends ARE.  Well, most of them anyways.  Oh, and Yahoo! Answers, NO I DIDN'T FRIGGING KEEP MY CAPS LOCK ON!!!

  8. Majority of my friends are.

    Usually when someone is quiet they can be crazy.

    But that doesn't mean that their like really crazy,it's just that they like some crazy stuff,that's what my friends are like.

    I don't find alot of 'quite and shy' people.

    I'm a shy&quiet teen,but after a while i open up :)

  9. im quiet most of the time, depending on moment then ill come out my shell.. but my friends are just about the same..

  10. Ahaha. That's not really true.

    Some of my friends are really really quiet, but

    they're crazy as well.

    I guess it just depends on certain peoples friends?

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