
Is it true that exercise will help your body metabolize marijuana faster?

by Guest66910  |  earlier

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Is it true that exercise will help your body metabolize marijuana faster?




  1. Well marijuana stays in your fat cells, that is why its so hard to get out of your system. Your best bet is a lot of water, cranberry juice and if you want to go the extra mile and exercise...go for it.

    I've smoked the night before two of my interviews and just drink a lot of water, peed my entire body out! i passed them.  

  2. yeh to a degree, it is stored in your body fat and that in cluceds the brain and liver. But anythong that increases your metabolism  would cause your body your body to get rid of the dreaded thc faster.

  3. If you smoke marijuana there is no need for exercise so your question is pointless.

  4. Yeah if you sweat it out....

  5. Depends on how many... hehehe... doritos you have in your ....hahaha... um system, dude. To.. you know... um.. metaba.. metabliza... hehehe.. um... uh... how much exercise do you get from working a bong, dude?

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