
Is it true that fat guy have smaller?

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do fat people tend to have smaller p***s in why




  1. Yes they are shorter than non-fat guys.  Apparently the unit retreats in the fat.  I knew a guy who was fat and had a shortie...he lost weight and gained 2 inches!

  2. Their ***** look smaller, but if you push back through the fat to the bone they are normal length, if you understand me.

  3. Yeah its not really true p***s Size is Genetic! Man Im 6 foot tall 255 pounds yeah im overweight but i, had so much s*x in high school and i never had a complaint, i also had plenty of s*x in college also no complaints and my 20 year old wife of 2 years has never said anything except i was the best s*x she has ever had and everytime i hit it we change the bedsheets!!! i can make it WETTT!!!! So yeah totally dont beileve that, like i said im 6 foot 255. i have a job, 2 cars a house a college degree and a beautiful 5 foot 6 130 pound beautifully tanned skin amazing Wife!!! So Im one Happy fat man is all i can sey!!! Man i just keep my swagger tight, i smell great and man i love my fat so thats a total lie!!!!

  4. no, their fat just makes it look like that.

    perhaps the fat surrounding their heart prevents efficient flow of blood to the p***s thus preventing an erection at max capacity?

  5. It would have to look smaller in comparison to the size of the rest of their body.

    As far as actual size, I dont go around checkin out other dudes dongs

  6. Abdominal fat is metabolically active. One of its activities is to change testosterone to estrogen. Excessive estrogen has a feminizing effect on males.

    fat men have more estrogen which shrinks your junk, loose weight and your testosterone will increase.

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