
Is it true that feminists are pressing for all words starting with 'man-' to be abolished?

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Is it true that feminists are pressing for all words starting with 'man-' (e.g. manicure, mango, Manchester, etc. etc.) to be abolished and declared 'politically incorrect'?




  1. hee-hee-hee!  Now yogis won't be able to chant mantras.  

    That's like trying to change hurricanes to "him-icanes"  (But I have actually seen the word "her-story" used)

  2. Not in this country - US.  Oh give me a break are your keys stuck or what....that's dumb anyways.  NO

  3. You'll find that idiotic theories such as this, are ones which are fabricated by people who argue against the basic principles of feminism. Anti-feminists. Not feminists.

    They are fabricated to make feminists look idiotic, irrational  and extremist in our views. People like "Poo poo" who claim that feminists support ridiculous notions such as this, only demonstrate without a doubt that they themselves are idiotic, irrational and extremist in their views. Anyone who attempts to represent feminists who believe this, are not feminists by most peoples' definition of feminism.

  4. No, that's a load of rubbish that anti-feminists say feminists want.

  5. not that i'm aware of. those words certainly do not bother me.

  6. no their trying to abolish words like "chairman" which they have done already but i cant think of another example

  7. do you honestly belive this? LOL shaaame.

    Now what are we going to call manure?

    Oh, seriously, read the truth about feminism, not the scare tactics of others

  8. NO, DAMMIT! Either you know absolutely nothing at all about feminism, or your sense of humour leaves much to be desired.

  9. Feminists, like any other group, do not agree on every topic.  But most feminists, I think, would consider your suggestion the least of our worrries. In general, feminists are concerned with GENDER EQUALITY, not radically changing the English language (or any other).

    By gender equality one must realize that the movement began because women wanted some basic human rights that were not afforded to them *not* to hurt or undermine men.  

    Remember, many feminists are mothers of boys, and certainly do not want boys put down as a means of building girls up.  I think this may be happening sometimes and I think we all have a duty to question it if it does.      

    I consider myself a feminist and I think that if you understood what feminism is you would not even have asked such a ridiculous question.

    Why don't you do some research and look at the historical reasons for the feminist movement.  You will see women were looking for the right to vote, and to have other legal rights that men already had.

    I have provided some helpful links.  Good luck with your search.

  10. No.

    But I'm sure you read it on the emasculatedist websites later today as pure fact.

    If you're lucky, they'll stick "Professor" in front of your screen name and quote you on it, then get Warden Farrell to write a chapter in his next e-book about it.

    Talk about men's studies, lol.

    Cheers :-)

  11. Yes.  Its the International Feminist Conspiracy doing this and you can read about it on cranky misogynist websites alongside stories about flying saucers.

  12. Anybody that wanted that, or believed that would have to be awfully stupid or completely psychotic.

  13. ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA  HA Ha Ha HA HAHAHAHAHAH HA hahahahahHA HAHAHAHAHA HAhahaha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA  HA Ha Ha HA HAHAHAHAHAH HA hahahahahHA HAHAHAHAHA HAhahaha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA  HA Ha Ha HA HAHAHAHAHAH HA hahahahahHA HAHAHAHAHA HAhahaha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA  HA Ha Ha HA HAHAHAHAHAH HA hahahahahHA HAHAHAHAHA HAhahaha ha


    he he he HA HA!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH hehehehehe ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA  HA Ha Ha HA HAHAHAHAHAH HA hahahahahHA HAHAHAHAHA HAhahaha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA  HA Ha Ha HA HAHAHAHAHAH HA hahahahahHA HAHAHAHAHA HAhahaha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA  HA Ha Ha HA HAHAHAHAHAH HA hahahahahHA HAHAHAHAHA HAhahaha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA  HA Ha Ha HA HAHAHAHAHAH HA hahahahahHA HAHAHAHAHA HAhahaha ha  


    [wipes tear from eye]

  14. hmm...

    Im going to Manchester to get a Manicure...and i will have a Mango smoothie later on...

    now lets take man out...

    Im going to chester to get an icure...and will have a go smootie later on...

    what the h**l is an icure? and a go smoothie? do those even taste good?

    nope nope..makes no sense.

  15. Everyone I know thinks I'm a feminist, and I find that idea idiotic.  When I teach the types of conflicts (of literature) in class (man vs. man, man vs. nature, etc.) there is always someone who says, "What about women?"  Then I have to explain that "man" means HUMAN - it's not a word of prejudice.  Same thing with general sentences such as, When someone gets angry, he should not yell and scream.

    (Not he/she) - I hate that slash thingy.  It's just people being small and not looking at the larger picture.  If a woman (and I'm one!) is so insecure that she doesn't understand generalizations, then she's in need of some help!

  16. Yes, it is.

  17. No, this is false (and idiotic).

  18. That would be typical. They home in on petty things that don't matter and they hide away from the real issues.

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