
Is it true that french women don't shave their legs?

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Is it true that french women don't shave their legs?




  1. no i'm french and i do it.

  2. yes

  3. its armpits they dont shave.

  4. yes its true they dont shave anything, they are hairy little monkeys

  5. That's what I heard.

  6. It is still not true, after the 1,234,543th time that question has been trolled on Q&A.

    It is in more northern countries that you find the 'natural' look.

  7. Waxing is really big in France. Shaving is considered passé and old fashioned.

    They have tons of "esthéticiennes" all over the place. Usually they are separate to hair dressers. It's also a tough diploma to get and standards are very high in France.

    I should know. I tried to get my legs waxed in the States last time I visited. Expensive and they did a horrible job! Took ages too. The equipment-yikes! Couldn't wait to get back to France to get everything off properly!!!

    I go here in France;

    Some salons are definitely better than others! Yes it hurts the first time!! I'm all "yow! yow!" even now after 10+ years of doing it this way.

    But it's true that French women aren't very hairy. The hair on their heads is usually thin as well as having less-fuzzy bodies. It's just a genetic thing. When I go in, they kid me and my Eastern European heritage for the extra work my fur gives them ;)

    But I love not having to waste time in the shower shaving!

  8. Not really, most wax them.

  9. Franchement, it's a bit of a hairy generalization (pardon the pun). France is just like any and every other country in the western world; you'll find the occasional woman who does not shave as much as others.

    But I've actually never seen a French woman who had hairy legs/armpits. It's the American women I see who are hairier. I can't remember where I've read it, but I remember reading that it's true they don't shave. Instead, they wax (which is more effective at producing longer-term results).

  10. Of course they do (there are always exceptions)... they shave everything, just like most Americans.

  11. That's what's known as a generalization.


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    Gentlemen - do you usually shave your armpitts ?

    1 week ago

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    1 week ago

    Great - that is the same reason why europeans, men and women don't just like you

    1 week ago

    No, hair actually acts as a natural odor management system. Shaving it would release more odor into the air.

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    by fitdrew0... Member since:

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    No, hair actually acts as a natural odor management system. Shaving it would release more odor into the air.

    I do have friends that trim it though, but they are body builders.

    1 week ago

    1 Rating: Good Answer 1 Rating: Bad Answer Report It Asker's Rating:  Asker's Comment: I like your explanations - now tell me why there such a racism in the US around this concerning french WOMEN - why SHOULD they shave their armpitts if they don't want to

  13. They do shave there legs lol

    just some of em dont!! haha..


  14. NO!!!!!!

    Who told you that, stupid american???

    It's as stupid as "Is that true that americans are all fat stupid fascists?"...

  15. Yes of course! all french women are monkeys! lol

    you're ridiculous...

    French women shave their legs, their armpit, intimate zone... like in all the other european countries...

    But of course, it has many women who don't do it like many other women everywhere in the world...

  16. oh for god sake,nobody shaves anymore we use laser,lol

  17. Generally.....NO

    French women are just like women in any other European culture.

    All in all, they do shave their legs, apart from the occasional few.

  18. Oh gee ! please get rid of these ridiculous cliches. Of course french women shave their legs and armpits. I don't even know who made that up in the first place. French women take very much care of their looks.

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