
Is it true that gas is going to run out in my lifetime?

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I love to drive my car for hours on end just driving around town with no place to go.




  1. yes

  2. Yes likely it will at current consumption rates

  3. Yes it is going to run out. Because people like you just wasting gas like that. Please stop. You are causing global warming, and using up gas with no need, when people who are out there in the real world really need it. Please just make a use for it, or dont drive at all. This is why it is cold in March when it is suppose to be warm and sunny. This is why in June or July it will be cold or burning hot. People like you are ruining our enviorment.

  4. This has been stated since the 1970's.  

    Maybe if you live to the ripe old age of 250 years old you might have a chance.

    More oil was been discovered in the last 5 years than has been discovered in the 25 years prior.  I wouldn't worry.

  5. it depends on what age you are. YES it will run out you selfish tax payer

  6. At the rate you're going we'll be out of oil in a week!

  7. No, it will not.  Saying that the earth will run out of oil in our lifetime's is a lie concocted by the radical environmentalist groups who prefer to operate on fear rather than logic and facts.  The fact is, the world has enough in oil reserves to last a long, long time.  We even keep discovering more because we have better technology than we did a few decades ago.  Alaska has a massive oil reserve that is practically untapped.  Or how about this, Jimmy Carter during his presidency, predicted we would run out of oil in 10 years.  That was 30 year ago, and we're still up to our eyeballs in the stuff.  Point being, we have a lot of oil to last a long time. Long after you are gone.

  8. Probably not. We'll probably find an alternative.... in the next 50 years hahahahaha

  9. No grasshopper, there is still plenty of oil to recover, and when that is gone, there will be oil shale and then gasoline made from coal.

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