
Is it true that girl have desires for s*x 7 times more than guys?

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Is it true that girl have desires for s*x 7 times more than guys?




  1. no.

  2. i doubt it.

  3. that is not true, guys are addicted to s*x

  4. i find guys want it more than girls

  5. I highly doubt it.

  6. I dont know about 7 times more than guys but from my knowledge and talking to my friends we think about it just as much as guys do...i hope this helps..

  7. It depends on age.

    Teenage boys are obsessed with s*x, but girls don't usually get that way until they are in their 20's.

    A man starts to "cool down" in his 30s and 40s, but a woman doesn't reach her sexual peek until about her mid 30's.

    After both reach their mid 40's it's really about equal.  EXCEPT that men see this "drop off" as unusual, so they force themselves to "try harder".  This is a major cause of "mid life crisis" in men -- their sexual activities slow down, but they try to speed them up with affairs outside of marriage, or dating multiple women if they are not married (or sometimes even if they are . . .)

    A LOT of divorces could be avoided if we just understood this . . . .

  8. I'm pretty sure it is even. Girls might want s*x a little more though.

  9. I guess it depends on the woman. When I 1st started having s*x at 15 and up until age 22 I had a really high s*x drive, but as time went on I just don't feel like I have to have it all the time. I still like it now that I'm 26, but its not a NEEEEEED, I can function without it. But on the other hand there are alot of women that want it all the time everyday, more than 1 time per day, it depends on the woman I guess. As far as guys, to my knowledge you guys never stop thinking about it soooo... It may actually be some women out there that can match that.

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