
Is it true that good-looking people are hired as cashiers?

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One of my friends told me that fast-food restaurants tend to hire good-looking people as cashiers, while average-looking people are usually in the back or maintenance workers.

He said it's because customers will subconsciously order more food and keep coming back the the restaurant if the cashiers are handsome/pretty. Is this true?

same thing goes for waiters/waitresses.....




  1. It is definetly true for waiters/waitresses. I know that most place prefer to have more attractive people who happen to be a people person. Also they like to have, how do I say this, people who do not look sloppy/dirty. Have you ever placed an order at a resturant and thought how dirty someone looked?

  2. No, it is not true.

    Looks don't get you everything.  You need brains as well.

  3. um ya people these days are like seriously body racist

  4. I doubt it.  I have seen enough examples of front office people who supplement their less-than-good-looks with proud, arrogant attitudes.

  5. It's true in theory, but in practice?  NO.  Have you been to your local Walmart?  Not a lot of hotties at the registers in my town, folks....

  6. I have seen MANY unattractive people not only at fast food places but at restaurants and working as salesclerks. Dang people are willing to jump on anything to push the notion only attractive people can land a job.

  7. No lol I've seen old grandma type people working as cashiers at mcdonalds that is not true AT ALL

  8. No, and if this were true, the buisness that was doing this would probobly be shut down. I'm of average looks and I'm a cashier, and at places like McDonald's in my expirience anyway, people who can speak English work the registers, and people who speak very little English work in the kitchen.

  9. no this is not true. no where true.

    ive seen some pretty not nice lookin people behind the cashiers before.

    even tho that theory or story or whatever does make sense a lil i guess.

    however it is not true.

  10. not where i live

  11. uhhhhhh. well they sure as h**l don't hire attractive managers! the manager at my McDonalds is a drag queen! I SWARE!!!! maybe, but there tend to be ugly cashiers at my McDonalds :)

  12. lol i worked at tacobell and i was hired as a cashier. The ones usually on the back are older people. &yeah its something like that. I noticed all the cashiers were girls. Mostly 16-18

  13. well true but not true it all depends on the store manager

  14. oh yea the girl at mcdonalds that took my ordered that had a serious sad made me feel bad for her acne problem weight problem and facial hair problem made me go a bit bi for a minute...

    ahaa riggggght.

    no i highly doubt that but i did feel bad for that girl she was not the lovliest...

    but the food was good.

  15. don't think so i have seen cashiers that were less than beautiful...

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