
Is it true that if a ship sinks, it will suck you down if you are near it???

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  1. yes

  2. My guess would be yes, even thought the water should be pushed away by the ship and so should you (with the water) ._.'


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  3. No, a passener who survived the sinking of the Titanic acrually stepped off the stern as the ship went down. Mythbusters busted this myth, they purchased a large delilict ship and sank it, wood that floated just above the sinking ship was not pulled dpwn.  

  4. there is a good possibility, why is the ship sinking? it is taking on water, which means water is being pulled into the cavities and air is escaping, causing the water around the ship to be pulled towards it, if you are caught in one of these flows you will be dragged towards the ship and below the water.

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