
Is it true that if an x gets put in jail for say dui that he doesn't have to pay child support? ?

by  |  earlier

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Also is it true that while in jail the time he spends there does not go to hi rearage?




  1. He has to pay no matter what. If he owes back child support then they will put him in jail over and over until he ends up finding a way to pay. BUT they wont know he isnt paying it unless you take him to court.

  2. no none of that is true, it all adds up.  Maybe it just depends where you are from.

  3. nope, if he have no money whatsoever i'd guess it go to the debt acount, if not as long as he have money on book or the like he have to pay

  4. No, you still owe it.  If you can't pay it because you're in jail, your debt just adds up.  It's not the kid's fault and he or she still needs to be supported.

  5. thats right. if he is in jail, it will just add up. cannot make him pay behind bars

  6. He can't pay it if he is in jail...he doesn't have a source of income.  He still owes for the time he is incarcerated though so it does get tacked on to what he still owes after he gets out.

  7. nope, not true.

  8. Well if he's in jail then no he can't pay but he'll have to pay back child support when he gets out! Pay your d**n child support! You didn't want kids shouldn't have them - give them to people who can't have kids!

  9. if you have an order fo rpayments he/she has to pay. if he/she had a warrant in place b4 dui for non-payment he/she is paying for that too by jail time, but will still owe you and all monies in arrears.

  10. Soooo not true! I don't know who or where you heard that info! But he or she has an obligation and it dosnt matter if you are in or out of jail. Child support payments still have to be paid and i know where i am from if child support goes in the rears of $1,000.00 or more you can take them back to court and demand more child support. Like now i get 45% and a few hundred more to go i can go back and demand 65% of his wages and i will get it.

    So dont let people tell you anything that isnt true! Have them back it up with proof!

  11. if he is in jail, arrangements can be made for him to go the hearing if he wants to.

    if he is in jail, longer then 2 months he can ask the judge to grant him from paying child support or have it put on hold so, he doesn't get found in contempt of court for not paying.

    (if he is a smart guy he would've done these things.  however, he probably did not).

    and so, the answer to your questions are:

    No, he still has to pay child support, even though he can't. because he has to ask the judge to change or temporary change the child support order

    And no going to a hearing child custody,or divorce is strictly by choice.

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