
Is it true that if we raise taxes on the rich, we can solve global warming?

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Just curious.




  1. No, raising taxes to fight global warming is as much of a scam as global warming itself and amounts to just another tax-grab.

  2. Of course not, money does not make the world go around its people and the very fabric of our being that does, our desire to procreate, populate and reach great heights. I think deluding ourselves that a change of a light bulb and recycling will make the difference we so desire, is harmful to the cause itself. Brief explanation of my theory is that because human evolution is unstoppable educating ourselves, being more aware about our selves and capabilities, good and bad. Will allow us to nudge evolution in the direction we choose to go in. If we focused on factors such as how we interact with each other what kinds of ethos we tell our children. To try to get as close to a utopia as possible if we so choose to be optimistic about its fruition, surely a society would finally reach some sort of optimum level of coexisting with the earth.

  3. I don't know that its true, but raising taxes on the rich, and pretty much the middle class and poor is the ultimate goal. Along with more govt control, regulations.

  4. No.  Raising taxes on the rich is always & everywhere a bad idea, unless you want to ruin an economy.

    It used to be that Democrats understood this (think JFK), but today they don't know what they are talking about.

  5. Global warming is a part of Earth's natural cycle.  We have to take it as it comes.  Why worry about global warming when most of the world doesn't care?  They have more pressing issues, like clean water, enough food, etc.  If you raise taxes on the rich, they will slow or stop spending capital on projects that could improve our lives or create jobs.  

  6. Just another way for the government to take our money and spend it for us.  Like we aren't smart enough to take care of ourselves.

    Global warming doesn't need to be solved.  Climate change is a natural process and has been going on forever.

  7. not at all if we take from the rich then wewont do anything about it we will just use it on like mars or some stupid stuff so no way if we raise taxes on rich will we reduce global warming

  8. No amount of money can "solve" global warming..... OR global cooling..... OR global 'in-betweening'.

    Our Earth's climate changes..... it is not static.

  9. More evidence exists to show that Global Warming doesn't exist then that it does exist, in fact studies show that the earth has been cooling over the last 7 years.

    Raising taxes just gives the government more money, which is why they endorse lies like global warming to begin with.

  10. ya by raising taxes.government can have lot of money.with that they can  buy thing for us and they can also buy global warming.but i dono how much it that we can save and solve global warming

  11. The only people who will pay more from the democrats program are those who make less than 50k a year. The rich do not pay taxes, have never paid taxes and will never pay taxes. Why they earn very little or no money. The Rockefeller's are a great example they take in billions every year and their estate is worth trillions. But they pay no taxes and never have, because all their properties are owned by tax free charitable foundations and these foundations provide them with housing, food and transportation. They earn nothing but they better than  most kings and queens of the world do.

    You know, gentlemen, that I do not owe any personal income tax. But nevertheless, I send a small check, now and then, to the Internal Revenue Service out of the kindness of my heart.

    David Rockefeller

  12. Not a chance.  What makes you even think this??  Any concept that governments doesnt have enough money already is wrong.  The US budget alone is 1.3 trillion dollars.  The code word is taxes, when politiians mean wealth transfer, which means communism.  Communism has failed in every country is has been tried.

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