
Is it true that if you are mad, you feel less pain?

by  |  earlier

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I have to get shots in 46 hours and I wanted to know if I'm mad, I won't feel it as much? Is it true?




  1. Well when your mad, you tense up and it helps with pain.

    NO ITS NOT TRUE it will hurt more!! If you muscles tense when you get your shot then it will HURT MORE. this is a trick that i use.

    Look straight ahead of you and start singing. I had to get 3 in the same day. I chose my humps.


    Well good luck, its not as bad as it seems :)

  2. Question #1:  Well yes it is true.  Strong emotion triggers the production of adrenaline, the fight or flight hormone and adrenaline blocks pain receptors to a certain degree.  But if you're getting an injection, I wouldn't recommend using anger as a means of pain control.  Anger also tightens muscles and tight muscles make injections more painful.

    Question #2:  Not a question, more of a statement.

    Question #3:  No, it's not true.  See the answer to Question #1.

    The amount of pain you feel depends on how relaxed you are, the type of injection (subcutaneous, intradermal, intramuscular or intravenous) and the skill of the one giving the injection.  Some injected substances are uncomfortable or even a bit painful immediately and/or later but this has nothing to do with the actual injection process, example tetanus and hep B series.

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