
Is it true that if you do home-school, you will not be able to go to college?

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My cousin told me that her friend told her that if you do home-schooling, you will not be able to go to college. I don't really think it's true, but is it?




  1. No.  Not true at all.

  2. No. In fact, you may end up in college earlier. College does not discriminate on age. They want to make sure you have covered the material needed to enter.

  3. Not true at all. There are tons of schools that will accept you. There is not one rule that all schools follow that says who they will or will not accept. Try looking for smaller liberal arts schools, they're better at accepting people with an alternative educational background. You also may go ahead and take the SATs although not all schools even look at those scores anymore. It may be good for you to take them to help prove that you are at the same level as everyone else who is applying. Your admission essay and interview will really determine your chances of getting into the school you want. They may be skeptical because they want to be sure you can handle a formal school lifestyle and the work load but I'm sure you can show them. Keep good records of all the work you do  and have plenty of extra curricular activities and interests to show.

  4. I'm a high school homeschool student going to a community college. I'll get an AA degree and then transfer, and never even have to take the SAT! Talk about easy. Homeschool students are preferred by all but the most liberal colleges these days because they're simply smarter. I'm not elitist, I just can read studies as well as you.

  5. You can go to college anywhere, if you pass an entrance exam.

  6. no, thats ridiculous, I had five homeschoole dkids in my department at college

  7. You will need a very good SAT score.

  8. No, it is not true.  Furthermore, you do not need a GED nor do you need to use an accredited academy like A Beka.  Home schooling is legal in all 50 states and while different colleges will have different admission requirements, they cannot discriminate against you or deny you admission simply because you didn't attend a public or private high school.

    If you are interested in a particular college, make sure to check out their website and read what the admission requirements are for home schooled students.  Some just ask for your SAT or ACT score while others will want a portfolio along with a transcript (a parent-made transcript is fine and is accepted at almost all colleges and universities).

  9. no

    one full time homeschooler here just got into Stanford

  10. No, it's not true.  :o)

    I finished my last two years of pre-college education at home and I went on to graduate from college with a 4.0 GPA.  My younger brother was Homeschooled longer and he also went on to graduate from college.

    My children are Homeschooled.  My oldest has completed his education at home and has begun college classes.  My younger son has taken classes at our local community college while still Homeschooled.  No testing was needed, no documentation, etc.  They simply enrolled.

    I have an old and dear friend whose Homeschooled daughter is entering her last year of college.

    There is nothing holding Homeschoolers back from college.  SATs and the like are not necessary.  Diplomas nor GEDs are necessary (if, however, a Homeschooler in our state wishes to apply for financial aid, then a GED would be needed).

  11. That is most certainly not true.

  12. Thats not true.  Some children that have been home schooled have attended Yale, and Harvard.

  13. Ahhhhh....

    The Question Du Jour!

    Well... a friend of a friend of my nephew's friend told me the following:

    Harvard has an online Associates degree program designed for homeschool students to get their high school diploma and 2 year degree at the same time (dual enrollment / dual credit program).

    So, if a homeschooler wanted (and could afford it), they could graduate from high school and Harvard (AA) at the same time.  How cool is that!?

    Now why I ask, would one of the premier Universities in the world set up such a program?  

    Because decades of experience has shown that homeschooled students do extremely well with college level courses, they get involved with campus life, they add tremendously to the intellectual capital of a college, etc..  

    And it is a way for Hah-vahd to recruit the type of student they want!  You know: prepared, mature, independent, intellectually curious...

  14. no that is so far off, most colleges will take home schoolers over others because most of them have a higher IQ, If you go through connection they will do everything for you. Thats what I am going through. Its free.

  15. No no no.. one of my best friends is home-schooled, and she's going ot college next year.

  16. They are misinformed as are so many who know little about, or are outright against home schooling.

    Most simply do not know much about the many alternative educational choices available to students over and above the conventional schooling methods, and therefore have never looked into the many choices students really have open to them.

    Colleges not only accept home schooled students, they also actively recruit them because many are at least 2 to 3 years ahead of their traditionally schooled counterparts.

    Home schooled students are also very independent and self motivated students which is a real plus for college students to have.

    Very few, if any need extra classes to be able to qualify, and often times they have already taken several college classes if not done the first year of college during their final year of their high school program; many enter as sophomores.

    To qualify home schooled students simply take the SAT/ACT just like any other student, present their home school diploma or GED accompanied by their transcript, and they are on their way.

    Home schooled students also qualify for the same student loans, federal assistance, or grants as traditionally schooled students do.

  17. No, it's not true. You will be required to submit a GED certification in lieu of your high school diploma before you can enroll. Relax, a friend of mine dropped out of school in 10 grade. She got her GED certification through the state DHS (department of human services) went to college and is now an LPN.

  18. No that is not true.

  19. its true cause youll be too stupid and naive from the home schooling that even jr college will laugh at you.  Real school for the real world...thats what I say.

  20. No that is not true at all, I was reasing on a site that someone on here gave and you can definitely go to college. I am going to start next year myself

  21. I know for a fact that isn't true because I was home schooled  in second grade and then from fourth to twelfth grade and I got into college.

  22. Uhhhh, no. That's false.

  23. noooo thats not true at all

  24. No, it is not true.

    Two of my older siblings are doing BSc (Hons) degrees at Uni; neither of them had any trouble getting into uni despite never having set foot in a school in their lives. At 15, I already have the provisional offer of a place at Uni despite also being home educated all my life.

    Oh and the reason many colleges and Uni's prefer home educated students has little to do with intelligence; we're preferred because we're (generally) more independent, self-reliant, resourceful than kids who come from conventional schools. We already know you don't have to be in a classroom with a teacher in order to learn anything! We also (generally) don't believe in doing something just because 'the teacher said we've got to!'. We know our education is our responsibility and our's alone; we can think things through and decide for ourselves whether or not something is going to be beneficial to our own personal learning goals. We don't need supervising or directing or telling what we should be doing when/how and we don't need to be spoon fed education. The other plus to higher education in accepting as many home educated kids as they can get their hands on is that we tend to not be peer group dependent either.

    And no, you don't have to come from an accredited homeschooling background. We're unschoolers so have never done anything 'accredited' in our lives. Neither do we use a syllabus or curriculum, nor bother with grades, getting our work marked, taking tests/exams, reporting etc etc. None of that has stopped us from being accepted into Uni on various honours' degree courses.

  25. Your cousin's friend is just misinformed.  Colleges are actively seeking homeschoolers, and often have specific admissions policies tailored just for them that waive some of the things asked of most students (like a guidance counselors recommendation).

    Its also not true that your program must be accredited, as long as your SAT scores are good and you have kept good records of your studies, you can homeschool independently.

  26. No, this is not true.  Typically homeschooled kids tend to do better in college than their peers.

  27. That's because a lot of people just listen to rumors instead of researching and checking things out.  Many colleges actively seek out homeschoolers because they've found that the kids are more focused on their studies, are usually well-behaved, and are more mature and responsible.  I believe Yale and Harvard are among these.  My niece just barely turned 16 and she's taking three college courses at a local college.  She was attending a charter school but got fed up with the immature antics of her peers so she applied for college courses and was accepted.  Many homeschoolers graduate from high school between the ages of 14 - 16 and are accepted into college early.  People are just so used to traditions that it's hard to break out of that mindframe.  But with the way things are in the public schools, homeschooling is on the rise, and it won't be long before the school system sees that maybe they're missing something important.

  28. False ... Big time.

  29. No it isn't true! (Not yelling at you, but it always ticks me off when people say such uninformed, uneducated bull**** like this) Do you have any idea how many homeschoolers get into IVY LEAGUE colleges, let alone the less selective universities and colleges. And no, you won't find it hard to adjust when you get to college. MOst homeschoolers actuallly find it EASIER than their public school peers because they are already used to being self-motivated and independent and socializing with adults as well as others their age or younger. You don't need a diploma to go to college. You just need a transcript and SAT/ACT scores (along with other things that look good like volunteering, extra curriculuar activities, etc, etc). That's all colleges want from homeschoolers. Many ever have SEPERATE ADMISSIONS OFFICERS that deal specifically with homeschoolers. And NO you don't even need to get your GED to go to a GREAT university. In many cases a GED will only putyou at a disadvantage.

  30. That's not true - but you do have to be sure and go through an accredited program that will be able to provide your transcripts and such.  

    The best one I know if is ABEKA Academy.  There's a link below:

  31. Um, no.

    I was homeschooled, graduated early, and am now in college.

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