
Is it true that if you get a hamster in your house its scent will attract mice?

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My dad won't let me get a hamster because he says its scent and its food will attract mice is this true?




  1. no, its not i have a few hamsters

    and they have never attracted mice.

  2. NO. They are two different species. It is like saying, if I get a pet snake it will attract a cat.

  3. probly not   unless you have pet mice but not wild ones like the ones outside    to be honest i dont thimk its possible

    good luck!

  4. It might, mice also like some of the food that is in hamster chow. Do you have pet mice or you're scared of house mice running around? They won't attract it from far away, obviously not..

    If they're in the same room, possibly. It's not a worry though.

  5. no ,

    ive had at least 4 hampsters and i never had mice in my house .

  6. I've never heard that before. The only reason that would make sense is if mice ate hamsters...

    Which they don't. Hamsters and mice are very different species and if anything will want to stay away from each other. As for their food, it barely has a scent. I have 3 hamsters and I've never had a single mouse in my house (except for my pet mice.) Anyways, wild mice will be more interested in digging into your garbage then eating your hamsters food.  And ask your dad what the odds are of a mouse standing outside and actually smelling your hamsters food, coming inside, and living there. That's just like saying you can't get a dog because it's food will attract other dogs.

    I hope your dad will let you get a hamster!

  7. Well, no because just a smell of hampsters it won't cause mice to come to your home. Unlease ther was cheese involved.

  8. Hamsters will kill mice in their territory. Mice will stay away, not be attracted by the scent. Put the food and bedding in a plastic bin to prevent mice from getting into the bag. If your dad sees mice after you get a hamster, they were already in the home and are probably now upset that you've gotten a hamster and therefore are running around trying to find a way out.

    If you put the used hamster bedding to use in your flower beds or around the house, it could help keep mice away.

  9. No way! It's a silly myth spread by parents to avoid having one in the first place.

    It's the same as 'If you don't tidy your room, you'll get mice!' How is it? Do mice teleport out of thin air into untidy rooms?lol

  10. If the cage is high of the ground then it should be fine. If your dad still doesn't approve then buy a fish tank so the odors don't leave the tank.

  11. No Easy to get food and openings in your house bring in mice.

  12. The smell of hamsters cannot lure mice to your house, neither can the food unless you keep your hamster outside, because hamster food and mice food are quite the same kind....but I don't think the scent would be strong enough to attract mice.

    Mice would go just about anywhere where they smell food, and that includes human food as well, so tell your daddy that even the food you eat could attract mice and lure them into the house, because the smell of human food is much stronger.

    Only female hamster attracts male hamsters when they come in heat (are in season)...that's all.

    Your dad just does not want you to get a hamster, that's all.

    You should only get the pet if your parents are okay with it...or you could face a lot of problems later (as in not paying for vet consultation, blaming all the sickness you or your family member get on the hamster, etc).


    Have a Good Day!


    ¸.•*´`*♥Shining ★ Star♥*´`*•.¸

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