
Is it true that if you scratch or even damage a mole, you get cancer? ?

by  |  earlier

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Sounds kinda dumb to me, is it an old wives tale?




  1. The truth is that this cannot cause the mole to be cancer, but.....

    The conversion of a mole to cancerous mole can cause itching, or change in size color character. If the mole has turned cancerous then it may start itching. In such cases, when scratched out and examined it may show cancer cells.  

  2. NO!

    A mole can be cancerous but scratching it will not make it so.

    What you want to look for is if the mole is not round and misshapen or if it has a very red border then it should be looked at by a Dermatologist.

    I've had quite a few moles removed that looked peculiar but none of them turned out to be a problem.

  3. You won't automatically get cancer from it, but the general idea behind it is that moles are basic cell mutations that have stopped growing. If a mole is cut, ripped off, etc., it could start growing again. It is the same general reason why you should look at moles you have and see if they start changing because it could be cancerous as well. That is the the whole thing in very simple terms!!!.

  4. no no u heard wrong .it never reason for cancer ,,its only on uper skin u can remove it very easily go to any good skin doctor .with in two weeks u ,ll be all right

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