
Is it true that if you sleep with one guy you're a harlot?

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First of all I am a virgin and second of all this question has nothing to do with me.

I know some women who believe that if girls and women sleep with just only ONE guy before marriage(even if she marries him later on) she's considered a harlot/s**t/w***e.

Why is that? Is that true?




  1. 1st of all if your a virgin save yourself for that person you will spend the rest of your life with.  Why make a mistake when you dont have to. And no if you did sleep with a guy you probably wont be labled a harlot/s**t/w***e but if you slept with a bunch of them then ya you would.  

  2. lol. no thats not true...

    if you sleep with 10 different guys within a week or two.. then yah i can see calling you a w***e/s**t.


  3. d**n, than i must be a super super harlot!!!!=)

  4. Oh c**p I'm a harlot!

    They say that because they are prudes who are clearly not educated about biological urges.

  5. It's a matter of opinion if it's true or not and whether or not you think s*x before marriage is wrong.  It's a religious thing.  No s*x before marriage or you're bad.  Not my personal opinion but to each there own.

  6. I think that's a bit extreme.  It's not true.  Everyone has their own opinions, and they can live by them, but should not condemn others for having different viewpoints.  Look at your own moral standards, and live by them. Some people think that sleeping with one guy makes you a s**t, while for others the number might be 100.  

  7. I don't think the number of s*x partners really has anything to do with whether you're a "w***e" or not, but in how you handle your sexuality.

    In the old days, those terms only referred to women who slept with men in exchange for money or goods; i.e. true prostitutes.  When the old religion was rampant, such behavior defied the "shalt not commit adultery" biblical edict.  Eventually, the meaning included women who had s*x outside of marriage for any reason.  In any case, it was definitely a derogatory term.

    Nowadays, with s*x and marriage being two completely separate issues for the most part, people use those terms to describe a woman who practices sexuality in ways they personally don't approve of.  In other words, it's a totally prejudicial, judgmental, and subjective term.  A conservative Christian zealot might feel perfectly justified in calling a woman a w***e or harlot if she so much as kisses a man she is not married to.  On the other hand, a person with a more relaxed sexual attitude might not feel right using that term unless the woman continually exhibits dangerous sexual behavior no matter how many or how few partners she has (unprotected, s*x with drug addicts, no regard for STDs, etc.).

    In the past ten years or so, some prominent sexuality authors have attempted to re-define the term "s**t" in a positive light, defining it as simply a description for a woman who enjoys a lot of s*x, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  There's even a book written called "The Ethical s**t" which paints high female libido in a positive light:**t-Infin...

    In a nutshell...those terms are very personal and highly subjective to different interpretations.  Personally, I think it's wrong to insult ANYONE, unless they are intentionally hurting another.  So the only time I would call someone a w***e, harlot, or s**t in negative terms is if they sleep with someone knowing full well that their partner will be hurt later...whether intentionally giving them a disease, or knowing that they only want one night when the other person wants a full relationship.

  8. those are generally close minded religious folk that think that, and whether it's true or not depends on who you ask. I don't think that is true, but the next person might. Question is do you feel if someone sleeps with a guy before marriage does that make her a s**t, and the real question is, why don't those same people think the guy is a s**t too?

  9. What you think of yourself is all that is important.

    What are your morales and are you sticking to your own morales?

    Those things are important and you should take those into consideration.

  10. dont believe evrything you hear

  11. well people have different ways of thinking...i am not saying that that is not true, but i don't know though...i was not a virgin when i got married...i heard alot of stuff about that though...yeah it made me feel bad and everything, but then again if he really loves me he would leave it in the past...that is just the past...  

  12. sure thing bud. 2 points =)

  13. No, only closed minded people, will say garbage like that.

    -- As long as you are safe and do what you want to do, and not let anyone pressure you to do something you do not want to do, Then s*x can be a fun natural thing!  

  14. that's others people opinion, the type of person u are is measured by the choices u make in my opinion, u don't want to be judged if u sleep with any one at all but in society people will judge if u sleep with 1 or100 no matter what.

  15. No a woman can sleep with who she likes. It doesnt make  her a w***e especially if she has only been with one man, Everyone has their own beliefs and its a womans choice for whether she wants to wait until shes married to have s*x or if she wants to test the waters before she decides to stick to one thing....  

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