My friend's boyfriend told me that other people usually smell you stinking before you smell yourself. & if you smell yourself, or by the time you smell yourself, that means you REALLY smell funky.
This is embarrassing for me to admit. But I suffer EXTREME depression, & I don't even have the energy to get out of bed most days. But EVERY day, I promise myself a shower, but it's even hard for me to get out of bed just to turn on the light, when it's right in the ceiling RIGHT over me. This depression makes me feel immobile & mentally cripple. & people think I'm just nasty, filthy, trifling, & that I use my depression as an excuse for laziness. But these people who say this, really need to trade brain chemicals with me for a day.
I wish for a bath EVERY day. It's very hard to push myself. I take Wellbutrin during the day, & I'm still sluggish & tired. No energy at all.