
Is it true that if you stay cross eyed, your eyes will stick like that forever?

by  |  earlier

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Im sure we have all heard that this will happen from our parents or if we make funny faces, it will stick also. I am wondering if this has any merit? Is this true or not?




  1. It's a myth.


  2. Nope!  In fact, my daughter goes cross-eyed because she's farsighted and needs to cross her eyes to focus.  She wears glasses to correct it, and when she wears her glasses, her eyes are straight.  So even though she crosses her eyes whenever her glasses aren't on, as soon as she puts on her glasses, they straighten out.

  3. it prolly does.ive never tried it(:but youu can always fix sisterr was cross eyed when she was like 13 or 14.she got an operation and now shes 16 and not cross eyed anymoree.

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