
Is it true that if you write...?

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the same novel/story for to long that you won't be able to finish it? I heard someone say that, and thought it sounded funny. But I've been working on my story, for, idk, a long time, and it does seem like it gets harder to write.... Maybe it's just because I don't want to finish writting it, it's sort of my escape from the real world, idk, what do you think?




  1. Well, I wouldn't say that you WON'T be able to finish it. Some people start novels and then they sit there for years until the author comes back for any number of reasons. Sometimes life gets in the way of writing and therefore it must be pushed aside in order to make way for the things that are immediately important.

    It could also take years and years to finish writing something because the author keeps making plot changes or any other alterations. Perhaps they come back to it and find that they absolutely hate what they have written, so they start all over again. What hangs me up is that I try to edit before I'm finished with my work, which just takes two times as long. I'm so focused on all my mistakes that I'm unable to go on until I've fixed them all, and then that creates problems with plot, etc.

    People start and stop writing for a number of reasons, but I don't think that it's necessarily true that if you work on something for so long you'll get to the point where you'll be unable to finish it.

  2. I've written many novels (about 9) not all to completion, but I know what you're saying. Sometimes it feels good to just leave all of your troubles behind and just immerse yourself in another world. But you should be careful because, like I've said, many of my novels remain unfinished word documents on my computer. You have to have motivation to finish them, along with a sense of movement within the plot. If the plot isn't going anywhere, you won't have any motivation to keep it moving. If you need someone to give you constructive criticism regarding your novel, I'd be glad to help. If you'd like that, you could send me a bit or the whole story at Hope I could help.

  3. I don't think so,  I think it just gets harder to write because there are so many details you have added in that you want it all to work together.  If you get stuck I suggest you reread everything you have written so far and if it all fits together you should know exactly where to go from where you are or have a couple good ideas. If it doesn't all work you will have a good idea what you need to get rid of or change to make it into the story you want it to be.  I wish you the best of luck.

  4. I've been working on my very first for about 9 months now. The problem for me is that I have a life outside of it. Due to truancy laws, I have to go to school. I also have church and a social ring, as well. Where does that leave my beloved characters? With about three hours on a good week to live. It's still my escape, and I think about it constantly, but I just can't get to them. It's quite tragic.

    I think that after a while, some people will lose their love for the story. Then everything about it seems stupid and overdone, so they tear it apart and start over. But if you put it away and come back to it later, you may find that it's better and you have a new fire. I actually had to do that when I lost interest in my first story, and I started writing from a twisted, alternating third-person kind of view, where I did have first-person. It's sort of the same bones of the story, but it changed dramatically. That renewed my spirit and I can't let it go, even if I have no time.

    So, put it away, come back to it with fresh eyes and brainstorm. You may be shocked at what you come up with. Then, make an outline. That way you have a sort of plan, but you don't have to write in order. You can write whatever you feel like at the time. Then, you can fill in the blanks in the story, and you're done! You're never bored, and you have a full book. Taking a break and outlining is the best possible thing I could have done, and I really suggest it.

    Good luck!

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