
Is it true that in Bavaria people are almost racist?

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PS I'm not judging, just heard so.




  1. I lived in Germany for 7 years and I never found this to be true.

  2. Coming from a german, this is not true. Their are some people that are racists and some aint, it is like this all over the world even in the US. I think racismn and being judgement is a lot worse in the US then it is in Germany.

    Greetings from Stuttgart Germany


  3. I've known my share and as is with all people

    yes and no.

  4. NO BUT

    Bavaria is still a society which has strong German traditional value. As such you have to behave as well as they do in order to be well received, regardless of your skin color.

    I would myself just be upset if I see foreigners not applying the same rules of being polite, hard working and respect the society and the environment.

  5. NO!!

    Where did you hear this may I ask of from what source?

    That is so not true. Bavarian Germans are no different really than any one else on the world when you come right down to it. I have been to Germany all parts N, S, E and W and sure customs may vary but people are the same. Even in Scotland, England, France, Switzerland, Austria, Australia it was the same. I found mostly friendly people every where I went. SURE you can always find some one or group that is not friendly or may be racist, but you have that too right here in the USA. I would feel safer in Bavaria, Munich or such than in NYC or LA! The gangs their alone are enough not to count any terrorists, Aryan brother hood, KKK and other groups. We have just as much if not more dangerous areas than in Germany now sad to say.

    So if you really want to know, GO THERE and see with your own eyes!! I have had the best times of my life in Germany and dated two German woman and they were wonderful people and still are today! 18 years later I still have the same friends plus new ones each year I go.

    I would love to hear what was said to you exactly to make them think this for that itself was a racist statement of who ever said this to you!

    Humans are Humans everywhere no matter what country, some good and some bad. We do not live in the days where there was no global communication. Today every Nation is a day or two flight MAX away and talking is instant over the PC's and phones.

    I disagree totally with your source as an American who loves going to Germany yearly.

  6. NO

    I am part German part French living in Bavaria and I feel here a lot better than the places I stayed before in Germany.

    I have friends of different nationalities and races who have visited me and I never heard one of them had any problem here.

    I agree with Wulf and with Alvin

  7. I'm Bavarian; does that answer your question? And I agree with what Wulf said. I think I know quite a few corners of Germany, and some foreign countries, too, and I don't think racism in Bavaria is more widespread than elsewhere in Germany (or Europe). I even dare to say that there is less racism than in some of the eastern federal states.

  8. no, i go back and forth from living in the u.s. and germany and i can tell you that americans are way worse than the germans. Germany takes in a lot foreign people with different backgrounds and ethnicities and treat them well-just like any other person.

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