
Is it true that in Wicked Fiyero becomes the scarecrow?

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Well does he?




  1. In the book, no, Fiyero is beaten to death by the Wizard's secret police.

    In the musical, yes, Fiyero does become the Scarecrow. There are a lot of foreshadowing bits that give the audience hints he will become the Scarecrow later in the show, especially his first song, Dancing Through Life.

    The Wizard's guards take him out to a cornfield  on poles and its implied to the audience that he will be tortured for information. Elphaba in desperation says a spell that she doubts will  work, but later finds that the Scarecrow  she had been lobbing fireballs at all this time was Fiyero himself.

    So yes, it's true that Fiyero becomes the Scarecrow.

    (and Fiyero and Scarecrow rhyme)

  2. Agreement. In the book he gets killed rather graphically. Or so we presume. there isn't any body, only blood.

    But in the musical, he holds Glinda at gunpoint so Elphaba can escape the Wizard's soldiers. Once she is clear he surrenders. They torture him and hoist him up onto poles in the cornfield. But, meanwhile Elphaba is desperately searching for a spell to save him (No Good Deed), but despairs thinking she has failed.

  3. In the novel of Wicked there is no happy ending for Fiyero. He is beaten to death by the Wizard's secret police. In the musical however he is beaten but not to death. After they take him away they put his arms across bars and take him upstage and turned around. That way he looks like a scarecrow and it is evident to the audience that he is indeed the scarecrow form the wizard of oz. And not to be a spoiler but Boq becomes the Tin Man and the lion cub that Elphaba tries to help becomes the Cowardly Lion.

  4. IN THE BOOK: Fiyero is killed by the Wizard's guards. Elphaba ends up going to his castle and staying with his wife. When Dorothy and the gang come she hopes that the scarecrow is Fiyero in disguise, but he isn't.

    IN THE MUSICAL: The palace guards capture Elphaba, but Fiyero intervenes and allows Elphaba to escape before surrendering himself. The guards take him to a nearby cornfield to be tortured until he tells them where Elphaba has fled. At one of Fiyero's family's castles, Elphaba tries to cast a spell to save Fiyero's life but, thinking she has failed, she begins to accept her reputation as "wicked". But she does succeed, Elphaba had turned Fiyero into the Scarecrow with her spell to prevent his suffering from the torture. The live happily at the end.

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