
Is it true that in air hostess' profession they can't have any piercing?

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i want to know this cos i want to become an air hostess and im having a piercing in my nose.plz tell me abt it.or any other info like these things.




  1. Check with the airline but the usual rule is, piercings in, shall we call them "non-traditional" parts of the body that can be seen, should be removed for the interview and while on the job. We were told to only wear one earring at work if we had more in our ears.

    You can do what you want on your own time, including on layovers when you're out of uniform. Even though the nose is a normal place to get a piercing in some parts of the world, it wont be accepted by the airlines which require you project a certain image.

    You don't have to close the hole or go to any extremes to hide it. No one will do any close inspection.  

    Good luck getting the job!

    P.S. Please call it a Flight Attendant. "Air Hostess" is a bit dated ;)

  2.    Yea is true no piercing in this job ... but u can beck ur piercing after work time on ur nouse .... so dont vorry ...

  3. It depends on the airline.  For Singapore Airlines flight attendants can only have earrings that are studs or pearls.  They cannot have dangling earrings.  Therefore I am sure they would not permit a nose ring.  However I did see a male flight attendant on Delta with an earring.

  4. yes. because some of the passengers think pierced people are "addicts" (no offense).

    try removing the ornament on your nose and try to make the piercing closed. it takes time for it to close. if you want a faster way (just a suggestion), try plastic surgery.

  5. I know a girl who flys with JAL and has a nose piercing. however: during job interview, in the office, in the air, briefing , debriefing, trainins and at any time in uniform she has to take it out...they dont even know she has "yes as long as nobody knows"

  6. yea cos if u get thrown around in the plane in turbulence ur peircing might come out and go in someones eye or up the nose of a 2 year old, or down ur own throat, or up the ventilation shaft and the plane might explode and then people start getting sued

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