
Is it true that in order to buy a brand new ferrari, you need to own atleast one ferrari yourself before ?

by  |  earlier

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I understand that if anybody buys one for himself (provided he is an elite person and owns a ferrari previously) and then if he decides to auction his ferrari... then its a different issue...but what I want to know is that is there any kinda rule that if you want to buy a brand new ferrari as a regular customer who has enough money... can he/she buy one ?




  1. What kinda logic is that? You just need money and need to find a genuine dealer who'll ship it for you. Try Navnit Motors in Andheri. They already have the dealership  for BMW, they might be able to do something.

    or go to the following link

    This is a dealer in Malaysia, (closest of the global dealers to India.)

    Sounds like some work but dude you want to own a ferrari and if you really have that kinda money just order one of your secretaries to get one by giving a blank cheque.

  2. Well it depends on what country are you talking about because if you are in USA then you will need good credit. If you are buying from India you dont need to own a ferrari in order to buy another one.

  3. That was only on the Enzo when it was introduced.  But it was true, previous Ferrari owners had first dibs on them.

  4. need to own one before you can buy a new one. Think about what you are saying. They don't care who you are as long as you can pay for it.

  5. all You need is money.

    Ferrari is a car maker ,making cars for sale them.

  6. Money buy anything.

  7. As long as you have they money they shouldn't give you any problems...

  8. whosoever gave u this information is joking. he is trying to mislead u. all that u need to buy a ferrari is money and not previous ownership also. But i do know one thing.. some one who can afford to buy a ferrari would not be wasting his time in Yahoo Answer. He would be busy at better places and just not spending time on yahoo answers.

  9. were would u hear somtin like that

  10. no. you just need the money!!

  11. That's partly true. The Ferrari Enzo was sold that way. When the Ferrari Enzo was in production, you couldn't buy one from Ferrari unless you had purchased a Ferrari F40 or F50. No matter how much money you had or how many other Ferraris you had owned, Ferrari would not sell you the car unless you you had owned one of those cars. The way it was sold was they sent invitations to existing owners of the F40 and F50 to purchase the car. Ferrari had sold every Enzo before they even started building the cars.

    As for other Ferraris- money talks!!!!! If noone believes me, check it out for yourselves!!!

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