
Is it true that in sa they are getting rid of the springboks emblem on all the rugby shirts etc?

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thanks duncan h but even though the springbok is an emblen isn't that flower as well?




  1. This is correct. I heard it during the RWC but they did not know when and it will be replaced by the flower that their soccer team wears.

  2. Yes , the mighty Springbok will be no more. The black govt. are introducing proportional representation starting now. Each future team must have a predetermined number of black or coloured players in the SA squad, and a predetermined number in the starting fifteen. This percentage will be increased each year until it is all black or coloured (apartheid in reverse ) Good thing the Springboks won the 2007 WC as it may be their last chance. The effect will be the same as what happened to cricket in Zimbabwe.

    Yes, the SA Rugby team will be known as the 'Proteas'.

  3. NO!!!!!!!!!! they can't. the springbok is the national symbol... It's an amazingly powerful symbol at that... But with my black gouvernment, I really don't know whats gonna happen... I mean, i'm a proud South African, but the way things are going in me country, I'm gonna have to support SA in another country :(

  4. Gosh, I hope not. But then again they are changing all the street and airport names here, so why not waste more money and change our very successful and proud rugby teams name as well. Just hope they don't start preforming like Bafana Bafana, who I think have a Protea on there jerseys.

  5. Yes, apparently it´s a reminder of apartheid. Rugby was the sport were the white people during apartheid was very successful in. The emblem was the SPRINGBOK and still is. So work it out. My opinion is to get rid of the springbok and the green Jersey. I wonder how black players feel to have the springbok on there chests, the Jersey with the springbok that they were not allowed to wear for so long. I understand it completely, get rid of the springbok and also the green Jersey. Man it is just a symbol and a green Jersey. Get rid of it. Lets see then how much trouble it really was. Maybe the Proteas, Rainbows, Criminals, who knows what, will win the next RWC.

  6. i think they want to change it to a protea which is a flower.Really stupid in my opinion.We don't bother them in their football, why bother us in our rugby?If the springbok is a sign of apartheid then they are still living in the past.

  7. This is absolutely 100% true! Just not sure when?

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