
Is it true that in southern U.S.A. a considerable part of people dream a return to slavery of afroamericans?

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I red this on an interview with Larry Flynt on the Corriere della Sera, most red italian newspaper, located in Milan.




  1. that must have been on

  2. The south no longer needs slavery, they have found a way to  enslave anyone who works in a southern mill, Ive lived in the north for about 30 years, and moved to the south when the steel mills closed.Be assured that when you cross that mason dixon line that wages and benifits are cut so severly that i ts all you can do to exist . Making a suggestion or change will put a target on your back that will be used not only by management ,but by the suckups and promotion keep iso regestered  , they have to have regular meetins.These are the most dangerious placesto make a suggestion, One worker asked that we could use metal plates to turn reels on, this was at comm-scope,they make co-axel cable, these reels weigh up to 2000 lbs and had worn holes in the concreat,down to the gravel. he was told they would have to have a meeting on it. after that meeting he was drug tested 22 times in eight weeks .even though he didnt do drugs they told him he had a positive reading and was fired on the spot, was not permittd to clean out his locker, that was mailed to him . he had worked there 24 years.And you can try to sue, but this is a right to work slave again they dont need slavery , they have it legal

  3. Slavery existed in the North and Midwest as well

  4. wasn't going to waste my time but what the h**l, dahhhh

    No the south is not thinking about bringing slavery back,

    the democratic party has done that Nation wide,, So why

    should we in the South take the heat for it.,, The dems

    Promise all minority's just what they want to hear,, and please

    vote for me cause I'm giving ya stuff,,, you don't even have

    to work or get education or nothin, Just vote for a dem, and

    we will let you live off of someone who does work.

  5. While there COULD be a considerable portion of the people that want this, I would guess that it's not entirely accurate. I have lived in Texas my whole life and I personally find the idea of slavery reprehensible. I have never know anyone to actually think that it should be returned (at least not admittedly). Perhaps there are people that would like to see this happen - what a disgrace for our country!

    As a last note, I would say that I don't think it is Larry Flynt's job to make such a bold allegation about the desires of a large portion of the country. While slavery was rampant in the south for many years, it has long been gone and I believe that most people (not all, by any means) are happy about that and have no desire to see it return.

  6. They have a better deal with Mexican illegals

  7. There are unfortunately alot of bigoted people in the south, but noone I have ever experienced has spoken of modern slavery. The south has a bigger population of minorities than it does caucasion, so that wouldn't really even be a possibility if it were enforced.

  8. Oh my God!  

    A considerable part of WHITE people, I suppose. But it's difficult indeed for them to carry out such a hair-raising dream: black people too vote! And they form the largest component in the southern States.

    Those is not a dream: it's a nightmare.

    Let's think positive!

    Little sparkling star to you.

  9. No it's not true.  Slavery is a black eye on the American south.  Even though most of the rest of the world had their own experiences with this as well, the South seems to feel the brunt of the hate over it.  

    As to your source, Larry Flint, please.  If you feel he's a true representation of America, you're being horribly mislead.  Although I 'm from the Northern US, I've spent extended periods of time in the South.  Racism no longer exists except to those who are trying to find it by looking everywhere and anywhere.

  10. I grew up in the south and I never heard anyone say or refer to wanting slavery.  A lot of older southern people that grew up in segregation still have some prejudices, but on a whole the south isn't any different than anywhere else in America.

  11. having a black or even differently-colored slave doing the disagreeable work is quite an attractive idea for many people,I believe.

    I would not even mind having bush and cheney come to my house as slaves, as some repainting and other repairs are necessary.

  12. I usually disagree with Love Canada but they have called it correctly.

    The USA has never quite gotten over their addiction to slavery, the illegals are just the new face of it.

  13. Actually, many people of all races who are addicted to drugs are actual slaves to their habit.  I would imagine that this type of slavery is not confined to the U.S.

    The good old U.S. of A. is a free country that is the envy of the world.  The fact that you are allowed to disseminate such non-sense is a testament to our freedom of speech.

  14. Not true about Southern USA, Texas especially is a Republican state, and if you do the research, you will find that it was not a Democrat that first started the laws to stop slavery, it was a Republican. Such garbage, Flynt and p**n go hand and hand. Since you seem to be a Liberal fan, remember this.

    Hillary's Next Tactic, Victim of Her Man We have seen the tearful Hillary as she panders for votes while duping the less informed but what will be her next make over? I believe the answer lies in a recent article at AFP where It discusses Hillary's anguish ten years after the Lewinsky affair. Hillary had differing emotions but never doubted that Bill loved her even though he was putting little Billy in someone else's double-wide. Hillary was upset, (even though she knew well before she said she did) but it was not about bill catting around as much as it was the prospect of them losing power.

    This anguish she still experiences is designed to play out in the south where she can say she stood by her man. Women in the south have not warmed up to Hillary as much as the liberal elitists in the north and the older women who want to see a woman president before they die. The south is full of patriotic people who love God (and not just when it is convenient) and it might be tougher to convince women there that Hillary is just one of the gals.

    However, she will try to garner sympathy as a wronged woman hoping that it will strike a chord among the women of the south. If that does not work she still has the covert racism that comes from her campaign and she can use that to stir up race in the south. She will also continue to release items about Obama just before elections to cast doubt upon him.

    If that all fails she has Bill at each event getting red in the face and holding court among the peeps screaming and hollering while wagging that stubby little finger of his. He will accuse, he will lie, and he will do anything to cast doubt on Obama and get his wife in the White House. As poorly as he has looked lately he might not last through 50 states if he has to wag fingers and get all worked up.

    It would be just like that s*****k to drop dead while campaigning for her just to get sympathy. Of course, he is just as likely to die in the company of a Bill could.

  15. I'm afraid so, they want that. And that's only the beginning, as well, because a lot of people don't even like the lower order europeans.

  16. No that is nonsense.  Slavery, as practiced in the USA, was a very expensive way of employing labor.  No sensible economist would ever want to have slaves.

  17. This may not be significant but a politician a Senator made a comment that with better intelligence we might have won The Civil War.

    There was another one that had a Robert E. Lee  Award from an organisation about The South,

    There was another that made an attempt to appeal to such feelings but the attempt did not pan out in spite of use of The Confederate Flag. The Senator was too much of The North.

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