
Is it true that in the North of France almost nobody speaks English?

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Is it true that in the North of France almost nobody speaks English?




  1. perhaps, but we don't care about speak English, because in France, we speak French....

    And I know that nobody in north of the USA speak French....

  2. Yes but in the whole of the US almost nobody speaks French, so it all evens out.

  3. As true as i the North of the US of A almost nobody speaks French.

    Older people don´t speak English but most of the young yes.

  4. it all depends on the age category?

    i certainly do speak English, German, Italian,

    most of my friends do speak English as well;

    English is the second language offered in most school nowadays,and the young ones, prefer the English language,

    German used to be the only option......

  5. In a survey, conducted by French market research institute IFOP for the weekly newspaper Dimanche Ouest Twelve percent of French adults said they were fluent in English, six percent said they understood and spoke it well, and 48 percent said they "more or less" understood English but did not speak it fluently.

    Only 34% said they didn't understand English at all.

    There is virtually no part of France which does not have a substantial tourist trade. People who are in the tourist trade are likely to learn at least some English because so many people speak Englush as their first langugage and it is the de facto sencond language of tourism.

    Outside of major cities in France the percentage of people who do not speak English does rise but it is not the case that "almost nobody speaks English."

  6. only 25% of the french speak some english. proportions are reversed in paris but yeah it's true that outside paris most people don't speak english. what's so strange about that? their language is french after all, not english.

  7. Many people are capable of speaking English, but intentionally make it difficult for visitors who refuse to make an effort to speak French. Just take a phrasebook and have a go at a few phrases. Once locals see you're trying (but having difficulties) they'll do their best to help!

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