
Is it true that in the U.K. calling a man a warlock is insulting?

by Guest63219  |  earlier

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I suppose it's similar to calling a woman a witch?




  1. I live in Scotland and ive never heard of it! hahaha

  2. The word 'warlock' stems from an old Irish word, it means 'oath breaker.'  To some, being called a witch (practitioner of magic) isn't an insult.

  3. I'm British and I've never heard anyone say that!

  4. No, you would probably get a weird look.

  5. Some chicks like being called witches, it could apply to some men too.

  6. I'm British and I have never heard of that.

  7. Warlock (anywhere) is a term used to define a male oath-breaker, usually to ones' coven or tradition. There are some male witches who argue that the definition is wrong and are trying to reclaim the term for the pagan community as "a man who defends the faith or the Craft'. Most pagan men (and women) I associate are perfectly comfortable with the gender neutral term witch. It's not about the label but what's in the jar.

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