
Is it true that in the US, single people can adopt a child? What are the guidelines that must be met?

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Also, is it true that it costs lots of money to adopt a child?

I thought that it was a requirement to be married to someone before you adopt, until a few yrs. ago, I saw a few single, middle-aged women who had 9 & 10-yr. old adopted kids. & the women had mental disabilities & were on SSI & SSDI.

I'm 24, & I have a mental disability, & I'm single & on SSI & Social Security Survivor's Benefits (from my father). Many people tell me that a person like me would get turned down if I tried to adopt a child.

I would also like to adopt children from overseas. I haven't made any final decisions yet. I'm just trying to gather information before doing anything.

I would like to have children of my own, but because of my mental disability & the fact that I had 2 strokes @ age 5, many people tell me stuff like, "You shouldn't breed. What if your child comes out disabled? Why would you want to bring a disabled baby into this world? That makes no sense. No child deserves that. Discontinue your gene pool & get fixed NOW! You don't have motherly instincts. Therefore, you shouldn't EVER have kids!"

But just because "I'm" disabled, doesn't mean that my kids are going to be GUARANTEED to be disabled, right? & just because I'm mentally disabled doesn't mean that I won't be a good mother, right? I mean, I'm willing to take parenting/birthing classes.

I have a BA degree in Spanish. 4-yr. college degree. I suffer OCD, anxiety, depression, & Tourette's. I see mothers with worse mental conditions than these, & they do FINE with their kids!




  1. It actually varies by state. There are one or two states that do not allow single women to adopt. It also varies by the country you wish to adopt from. Some have strict marrige requirements, others allow only single women to adopt, and a few allow single men to adopt.

    In terms of your disabilities and financial status, it would be doubtful that you would be allowed to adopt, particularly from overseas. You might have more luck going through social services and taking an older child or one with disabilities similar to yours. I know someone who is blind and profoundly deaf who adopted a little girl a few years ago through the state who was also blind and deaf. Her husband is also deaf, but not blind, and has a reasonable paying job. You never know until you try, but honestly, your chance seem a bit slim.

  2. There are lots of kids out there that people "don't want" because they aren't "perfect".  Well, I hate to tell them, but no one is perfect.  I think you should check on it if you are interested.  You might have to accept one that is older than a baby, though.

  3. As to your first question. Yes, single people can and do adopt in the US.

    Children are always expensive...but the program you choose will increase or decrease your costs. If you go through foster care, it is generally at no expense to you (or a very small fee). If you go through private agencies, then it can cost a lot of money.

    As to your mental disability, that is something your case worker will need to determine. Children need stability, love, support, etc. If you can provide those things then there is a possibility that you could adopt. If your caseworker feels that you are not eligible, they will tell you so and give you reasons can work to correct those problems and reapply if you desire to. Regardless, it is all about meeting the needs of the child....if you best meet the needs of a child in state custody, then you will be the likely placement. If it would not be beneficial for a child to be placed in your custody, then they will let you know and you can work on improving your situation.

  4. I think SSI is to provide cash for basic needs.  How would you be able to support your child when you are on SSI?

  5. Yes just about anyone can adopt singles married g**s bio as for your mental condition theyll have a social worker look into it as long as you can care for them youll be ok however we wanted to adopt and found when you look into adoption more than likely youll be turned away due to they rather you foster so that they can work on putting the child back into their abusive homes drug infestive and even sexual abused homes that they were taken out of they feel this is for the good of the child and that they are taken the best interest of the childs well being in to concideration now i believe they are failing the children from being adopted into good loving homes thats only my opion though

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