
Is it true that it is easier to get pregnant if u....

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HAVE AN o****m?? Ive read that if your doing an at home insemination as i am, when your done injecting the s***n u should make yourself have an o****m!! true or bull?? i know i should lay on my back with my hips elevated but ive never heard of the o****m part!! i mean i dont mind it but im just a lil confused!! they say it openes up the cervix to suck whats in the vaginal canal (sperm) is this true??




  1. From what I understand, it does help move the sperm along.  Obviously its not really necessary or there wouldn't be as many kids born these days (lol).  It definitely couldn't hurt to try!

  2. Bull

  3. I have heard that too.. Just make sure you are ovulating too!

  4. No

  5. There are mixed answers on this. Some think that female orgasms do nothing to get pregnant, yet more and more scientists think that when the cervix pulses after an o****m, it helps suck the sperm into the uterus. If anything, an o****m sure doesn't hurt, so why not?

  6. I believe it does. An o****m causes the muscles to contract, and I think it would help facilitate the sperm's movement.

  7. Apparently yes it is true, When you o****m you produce some fluids which are benficial for sperm to survive in, the natural acidic environment of the v****a is not good for sperm, so o****m BEFORE he ejaculates is best - yes.

    An the action from the muscles contracting help draw in any sperm already there (muscles can keep contracting for a lil while after you o****m) so yes that is said to help too.

  8. this only works if you orgasim before injection. the increased fluids help the sprem reach the egg more quickly (having my fluid to propel themselves through)..this also hightens the chance of having a boy.

    my doctor explained because i always had an orgasim before my partner i had a much higher chance of pregnancy, and of course i'm now pregnant with a little boy


  9. not sure but hey gor for it youll have fun trying to see if its true

  10. They ussually said that about the o****m is because most women when they trying to get pregnant all they care about is the guy coming in them But the true is you have to enjoy s*x too so make a baby and enjoy it!!!

  11. No effect at all....but still fun

  12. Your o****m lessens the acidity of your "juices" so that the sperm can actually survive the trip up to the cervix

  13. I guess it couldn't hurt, but it doesn't seem like it makes much sense. Good luck!

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