
Is it true that it will be a law in the next 20 years for all standardized cars be built electrically powered?

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I read that even American Muscle cars Mustangs, Corvettes, and Camaro's all must legally be built electrically powered by sometime around 2020. It also said that the cars will pack more punch. Is either of these true?




  1. Coal power is more likely.

  2. NO !!!

  3. I think it's very unlikely.  Electric cars don't solve the energy problem.  They just require the fuel to be burned elsewhere.  Besides, if -all- cars were electric, think of the added strain that would put on the existing 'power grid', the electricity distribution network!

    Electric cars are a part of the solution, but we're going to have to do better than that.

  4. on the first point ... maybe.  I think they are probably talking about setting a standard for electric vehicles which would not only be concerned with power sources but overall safety of the vehicle.

    on the second point ... yes.   Electric motors by design produce more torque under more load, which means higher acceleration.  They do this with less weight than a convention gas engine and drivetrain.  That means electric cars can really kick butt off the line, they just can't go very far if you have to depend on batteries as the only power source.

  5. did not hear that... However at the current pace of inflation, a barrel of oil will be $425 by 2011 (think about it, right now a barrel is $120)... did you know to make 1.25 gallons of corn fuel, it takes one gallon of gas...

  6. LOL No, that's just wishful thinking. The oil lobbies would never allow THAT.

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