
Is it true that kiwi girls who go to school in wellington wear shoes?

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Is it true that kiwi girls who go to school in wellington wear shoes?




  1. Hah, i'm from wellington & yeah everyone here wears shoes. you'd be suprised how lovely it is actually.

    no naked maoris running around.

    nz is ******* beautiful & amazing.

    wellington is the best city in the world.

  2. Yeah, they have clothes on as well.

  3. Yes it is strange but true.

  4. dont know,look better barefooted i think

  5. some of them are barefooted

  6. Yes, surprisingly. My best friend is from Wellington. He wore shoes at school and so do all our friends who are girls.

  7. Yes but they wear them on their hands!

  8. Why waste 5 points on a question like this???? I get 2 points for answering a pointless question. YAH!

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