
Is it true that many Thai women seek falang men out of hatred for Thai men?

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I have several Thai women friends- they all have similar outlooks on relationships with Thai men. The general opinion is that Thai men are no good- they drink too much, gamble, lie, disrespect them, and so on.

I've come to the conclusion that Thai women seek out foreigners to have relationships with because they want to be treated as Western Women, that is, as equals in the relationship. I know there are several foreign men who act no differently than Thai men, but there has to be a reason for the all too common sight of seeing a Thai woman on the arm of a non-Thai man.

Perhaps escapism plays a role? Many Thai women live in traditional family situations where the parents have a tremendous amount of control over the children. Perhaps Thai women are simply looking to climb up the socio-economic ladder...

Your thoughts and opinions are welcomed.





  1. I think some Thai women seek out foreigners to better their way of life.  There are many bar girls who have had relationships with Thai men which left them with children to raise without any support, a Farang boyfriend is a way to make something better of a bad situation.    

    Some Thai women who accept money and support from foreign men still keep their old Thai boyfriends or get new Thai boyfriends!

  2. A Thai woman marries a Thai man and then he goes out drinking gambling and womanizing.  He find someone else and drops her like a hot potato.  A western man goes to Thailand drinking, gambling and womanizing till he finds a Thai lady (well for him anyway) and then he wants to settle down.

  3. Why do you seldom see an attractive Thai woman (Thai point of view) with a farang? Why do you seldom see a wealthy Thai woman with a farang?

    Thai women prefer Thai men. During their youth Thai women dreamed of their Thai idols. Also they speak the same language. And believe me that many Thai guys really know how to talk to a Thai girl to make her melt.

    Thai women usually do NOT seek farangs.

    Most of the Thai women are still looking for the decent Thai guy. But Thai men are very selective and some Thai women will never be able to reach the decent Thai man they would like. Furthermore, you know what Thai people think of a Thai girl with a farang man...

    The ones that seek farangs are the ones that can not reach the Thai man they want (because they come from a poor family or because they are too old or got children or not attractive enough).

    Thai women who have spent many years in Europe or America do not match with this description though.

    The idea of Thai women seeking farangs men out of hatred for Thai men is the biggest lie in Thailand.

    Women who can not reach the decent Thai men they want and who resigned themselves to go with farangs will tell them the usual "I don't like Thai men. Thai men are not good", firstly not to loose face, secondly to get more trust from their farang friends, boyfriend or husband.

  4. I think it's a excuse they want you to hear, not always facts.

  5. I am thai. I love thai men. They don't like me because I have dark skin.

  6. Pegasus-

    You have said a mouthful.

    I will add a few thoughts, 1st, you are correct to some degree about Thai women seeking equality and being treated like dirt by Thai men.  However, the type of man that Thailand attracts usually has a fair number of the same vices that Thai men have.

    Some Thai women persue Farangs to escape poverty.  There is a very common misconception that ALL farangs have a lot of money.

    Finally, most Thai/ Farang relationships fail because of a mutual lack of respect.

    I agree with Naruto, to an extent ... but it seems that the younger thai girls (12 - 18) are all dreaming about Korean pop stars.  go figure!

  7. It not the hatred, it just that Thai woman lost their trust in most Thai man , that what they says ,just like my girlfriend , married a Thai man and found out that he already had a wife in Canada and get divorce after a month , I don't know about others , most of Thai woman says that Thai man like to womanise after they get married ,spent money on drink and gambling...and they says that foreigners are better because they respect as who they are and care for them  than most Thai man.

    As till now I still love my girl.........

  8. I'm gonna go on a date with Michelle,

    The first place we'll go will be Taco Bell,

    If she doesn't like me, she's going to h**l,

    And if that's the case I will yell:

    "Oh hey ho, Michelle suck my c**k,

    Because if you do, you totally rock!

    I'll give you a kiss and I'll slap your t*t,

    And if you don't like that, you're a bítch."

    Now that the date is over with,

    Invite yourself into her pen,

    Walk on in and strip yourself,

    If she doesn't too, she's going to h**l...

    [And if that's the truth than I will yell:]

    "Oh hey ho, Michelle suck my c**k,

    Because if you do, you totally rock!

    I'll grab your âss and you'll walk the dog,

    And if you don't like that, you're a hog."

    Bringin' back old school style!

    Her face aimed at her floor's tiles...

    Her legs up in a V...

    Sure, I'll l**k you,

    But please don't pee...

    Sure, I'll l**k you,

    but please don't...


  9. First of all, Thai women don't hate Thai men.

    What type of Thai female friends do you hang out with? Why did they seek men who drink too much, gamble, lie, disrespect them as their mates to begin with? They must be hurt by Thai men and want your sympathy and perhaps attention.

    Thai women don't want to be treat as western women. I am a Thai lady and want people to treat me like a Thai lady.

    Escapism? any women who are in a relationship with men to escape from her own cultures are NO good. I have many conversations with a few Thai ladies who divorced Thai men and married Foreigners. They claimed, they decided to marry foreigners because many Thai men don't want women who have been divorced or they will mention about their previous relationship.

    I grew up in Thailand and the US. I can tell your from the facts that there are good and bad of men in every cultures. I have seen unhappy western male/Thai female couples in America. I can tell those Thai women are very lonely because she does not have many friends and cannot speak English very well. There are many Thai women to date western men mainly because of security and status.

  10. i think you are correct and I don't blame them. actually i do think on average a western man will treat a woman better, and why goes culturally deep.

    Mr Park, you must be Korean - American..........:-)

    I too, speak, read, write in Thai fluently, better and better each day

    Hope I respect your opinion and observations, but are you not a bit elitist? Did you not learn anything when in the USA? Why don't the poor count?

  11. There are more Thai women marrying Thai men than Western men by a couple million to one. I think you're in the circle of women who married to western men.

    Thai people are not always poor. A lot of them have hit the fortune list of richest man on earth.

    There is no traditional Thai family. All of them are different.

    I'm a Thai guy. All Thai women like me!!!  {:-)

    My family own five Mercedes (one SLK and I own one AMG), have four houses with one resort house up countries. I need to climb down the you called "socio-economic" ladder to meet with mediocre western people.

    Did you puke?

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