
Is it true that many attractive & successful black women are choosing to remain single...?

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I was watching CNN's "Black in America" series where there was a discussion about a growing trend of very attractive and successful black women (lates 20s and 30s) who can't seem to find a suitable black man to date often are reluctant to date white men, thus they opt to remain single.

Is it true that most black women are interested in dating white men?

not that i am into these types of women. i am more of a down to earth country boy myself.




  1. would not believe that stuff if I were you.  Black women notoriously find "excuses" to date white men, when no excuse is needed at all, except that they want to.  The fact of the matter is that "attractive" black women usually only want to date men with money, which relatively very few black men have.  They would like the world to believe that they are desperate for a "decent" black man that they must turn to non-black men to date.

    But notice one thing.  You will never hear them say that black men must look to other races to find "suitable" or "decent" women.  They take offense to that because to them it is a personal rejection, even though they had no intention of dating those particular black men.

  2. Many busy and attractive people stay single so they can focus on their goals or never meet the right person because they're pursuing their life's work.  I went to a great college and most of my attractive and accomplished 27-30 year old friends are still single.  

    A single person is a whole person, regardless of their race.  Just because CNN is discussiong a possible trend in one demographic doesn't mean it's limited to that demographic.

  3. Yes, I feel that my reasoning of dating a white man and being black is centered on love.  At the same time, it does not hurt that he has the same amount t of education as me and makes more money than me.  He also has no kids like me..and many other reasons why we we are engaged.

  4. Honestly, most black family's are raised in a matriarch kind of way. African American girls pick up on that and become just not worth it.

        All my African American friends do not date there own race, one of my  friends, pretty easy going guy(works for some pharmaceutical company as a chemist) but he married outside his race for that reason.

    Black women try to hide the fact that the kind of men they want do not want them.

  5. I don't believe that most black women are using this as an excuse to date white men. If it were true, then I would see many more couples with a black woman and a white man. Nearly all interracial couples I see consist of a black man and a white woman and almost never the other way around.

  6. I'm glad that the CNN special prompted you to ask this question.  I am a successful single black women in  her early 30's and I have also dealt with the fact that there are a limited amount of successful black men out there. I have dated both inside and outside of my race so it has not been a problem for me. I also know other successful women and they will not date outside our race.  I really think it has to do with the lifestyle that you were raised in. I was raised on a military base, so I am used to being around all races and cohabitating peacefully with them.  Some of my friends on the other hand have been raised not to date outside their race(Just like some whites are!). It is not said aloud but is frowned on by family and friends.  So I guess the answer to you question is yes! Even though you are a down to earth county boy all knowledge is power so its good to ask questions. :))

  7. hey dude.  chill out.  chicks can choose to date or not date whoever they like.  so you're not their type.  big deal.  not everyone's attracted to everyone else.  you don't have to get all offended over it.

  8. Well, in some cases there are black women who feel this way. And some do opt to date outside their race. But that's not a good reason, if you're going to date someone, you date them because you enjoy their company, their character is pleasant, and you make a connection with them. Not because you believe they're your last resort.

    I think it's just getting to the point where Black women are starting to open up to interracial dating like Black men have for so many years. It was a time when a Black woman was looked upon shamefully if she was to be seen with a man of another race (much less have a child with them); now we just don't give a d@m.

    I've dated outside my race, and to tell you the truth, they where some of the best boyfriends/lovers I've had (too bad it didn't work out with one of them). But through out my dating, I've learned that the color of a mans skin doesn't make him as a person. We as people all pretty much want the same thing in life, and that's to love someone who loves us the same in return.  Most black women are starting to realize that there is nothing wrong with loving someone of another color as long as they love you the same.

    And what do you mean you're not into "these type of women"? Black women are women just like any other color of women. Regardless of if you're a "down to earth country boy" Some of us are country as well. Unless you mean you just don't like black women? Then that's a personal preference (or prejudice) and has nothing to do with being country.

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