
Is it true that masturbating gives you acne?

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I don't m********e very often...But I've had acne since way before i started "jacking off"...i'm trying to get rid of my acne, and i'm wondering if i stop masturbating completely, if it will help my acne go away.

My friends have told me that masturbating causes acne, and i'm not sure if it's true or not.





  1. your friends are feeding you a line of c**p!! acne is more caused from sweating and clodded pores. it is best to wash your face in warm water and a mild soap and rinse with cold water. if it's all over the body warm shower cold rinse to close the pores. if you drink a lot of orange juice reduce it cause there are acids in there that cause acne.

  2. There is absolutely no physical or medical connection between masturbation and acne. This is yet another myth connected to masturbation to discourage it's practice by the morally and religously conservative. Masturbation is quite healthy for young men, and helps them stay in a hormonal balance instead of a sexually stressed neurotic state of perpetual frustration if they are not finding a release in some other form or fashion.

    Read any Men's Health magazine and look for articles specifically related to Masturbation or even read books devoted to the subject, and they all agree that masturbation is a healthy, safe practice. It actually induces the release of hormones that make you feel pleasure, which leads to a relaxed state of mind that might cause the person to be more motivated in life and confident in their personality. This would influence that person to treat their skin for an acne problem with the proper cleansing techniques and medication, if they were concerned with the problem, whereas someone who doesn't m********e may be too frustrated with a primitive sexual urge to be bothered taking the time to treat the acne problem at all. It's all hypothetical, but something to consider.

    The only way I can imagine you getting acne, which is skin with pores clogged with oil, grime, and most importantly, bacteria that has become inflammed, from masturbation would be you smearing any leftover result of a masturbation session on your face or the affected area of skin, which I highly doubt you do unless you have some extreme fetish (I respect you either way), then there is simply no reason to believe that Masturbation causes acne.  

  3. According to comedian Buddy Hackett (may he rest in peace), it clears up your acne.

  4. Well my first thought was god no, but as i got to thinking about the subject i realized it really depends! If you sweat alot during masturbation and then dont go and shower or wash your face, this could lead to acne. Try taking a warm damp rag to your face afterwards, or maybe wash with some acne wash. Good Luck!  

  5. if that were true all men would have acne.....

  6. no not that I've heard, stop masturbating if you think its causing acne, but i have never heard of it causing acne at all!

  7. no, i used to have a lot of acne too and nothing worked just go to the doctor and u will get these pills u take once a day and your face will b clean and u can still jerk off as much as u want, i do it everyday all day!!!!!!!!! its so fun, i luv it!!!

  8. just grow hair all over and your p***s falls off. That's all. KIDDING! No, acne is a myth!

  9. you didn't get acne from pulling your pud. nor will you get warts or hairy palms or any of the other side affects the victorians claim you would.

    see a good dermatologist for your acne.  

  10. craziest thing I've ever heard.

    The answer is no.

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