
Is it true that mccain picked palin's name out of a hat to be his vp?

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Is it true that mccain picked palin's name out of a hat to be his vp?




  1. No it is not true... He picked her because she is a good choice and will rally the Conservative base and women voters.. and tick off the Obamabots.....

  2. i bet he did

  3. McCain wanted Leiberman. Rove and Bush ordered him to put Romney on the ticket. McCain screwed them over by announcing Palin before Romney could be forced on him.

  4. god no, you stupid liberals make the stupidest **** up. its pathetic and its getting old.

  5. yes it was a designer hat

  6. No.

  7. Nope. not true.  people really should stop spreading rumors.  

  8. better than picking one out of a lineup like Obama did.

  9. Bad question: he was not allowed to make his first two picks.

    McCain/Limberman or McCain/Ridge

    The party holds the strings.

  10. yes.

    is it true that this forum gets a lot busier after school lets out?  

  11. No.  That would be completely irresponsible.

    Palin was chosen to motivate the Christian Right.  Four years ago, Bush did the same thing with the g*y Marriage debate.  (How did that turn out?)

    Now, the issue is Abortion.  McCain hopes that Palin will be a shining star among Christians because she could have chosen Abortion twice, but chose life instead.  Good for her. (Some believe that is a mother's choice after all)

    As a Christian, I am offended that McCain thinks he can win my vote with such tactics.  I don't believe all Abortion is bad.  As Barack Obama said to the Rick Warren, that decision is "above my paygrade."

    Who am I to make that choice for a woman?  In any case, that is what McCain thinks is going to win him the election.

  12. I certainly hope not! lol.

    Think about it.  I don't agree with his politics, but he is obviously smart enough to not do that.  Someone who doesn't like mccain just made that up.

  13. No her name was mentioned weeks ago as a possible candidate.  

  14. No. That was a joke made in an E-mail that someone sent to The Situation Room on CNN.I just watched that on tv with my grandma.

  15. We will have to see what happens up to and including the election to find out if America is buying the Republican VP nominee.

  16. No, that is not true, but I will say that such a method probably would have produced a stronger pick.

  17. no. period.

  18. No.  She's been a possibility for months.  They were looking for someone young who didn't have a Republican track record.  Can you guess why????

  19. No.  She was the last one on the list and the only name he could remember.

  20. No.. he also looked at her picture and though she was the cutest of the lot.

  21. Actually, she was pulled out of Rove's a**

  22. He didn't even have that much choice in the matter.  He was told that she would be his VP candidate, because he needs her.  His campaign and big donors are running him, not McCain running his campaign.

  23. It could be true.  I heard she was 1 of 3 - just who in h**l were the other two - O.J. Simpson and Monica Lewinsky?

  24. I doubt it. It was a very strategic move on his part. A way to solidify his evangelical base while giving Independence the illusion of chance with a token woman candidate.  

  25. no

  26. No, it was a calculated pick.  Many of us Dems are chasing our tails to discredit Palin and her child, which means we are no longer focusing on things like the economy, education, health care, and the Iraq War.

  27. Out of his butt is more like it.

  28. no, but it is odd how he had met her only twice before naming her!

  29. Of course it is.


    Is this the best you can do?

    13 year olds should not be asking such nonsensical questions.

    The smear machine out in full force.

    It is great!

  30. no, actually he threw a dart at a map!!

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