
Is it true that microwaving food takes all of the nutrition away?

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Is that true?

If it is true, does "nutrition" just mean all of the good stuff for you?

Does it take away calories or other bad stuff?




  1. Microwaves only vibrate water molecules in foods, so if most nutrition (meaning vitamins and minerals) in the foods are not water-based, they would probably remain in their natural form.  I've read that microwaving is healthier than boiling because you don't lose the nutrients into the water.  But I also read somewhere to not boil foods for over 5 minutes if you want to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients.

    In general, I think microwaving is okay.

  2. If microwaving food took nutrition away, I don't think that the FDA or whatever it's called would allow manufacturers to put microwavable directions on the side or back of the boxes....know what I mean? Nutrition is vital in food, that's why you eat it! So you can go on throughout your day with energy and vitamins and calories that are needed to help you and not allow you to burn out. Microwaves are convenient when you don't feel like standing over a stove, which may I add, you usually have to put oil or butter in lots of foods on the stove so it won't stick, that's added fat, and then the steam evaporates some stuff I bet.  

  3. hi david, ok now to answer your questions 1 at a time.Nutrition means the substances or nutrients that are bonded within the food.Its What is processed by the body after ingesting the food that would benefit optimal perfomance of body and mind that would be termed GOOD STUFF. Such as vitamins,minerals,amino acids,enzymes,essential fatty acids etc.The next question, what occurs when microwaving food is to destroy the enzyme activity in the food and kill nearly all the vitamins and minerals etc.But worst of all. microwaving would vastly increase free radical activity in the food that would cause more problems to arise once you ingest the food,even on your own RNA and DNA .But our wonderful bodies have RNA AND DNA REPAIRER MOLECULES to repair the damage but if you ingest microwaved food on long term basis then this molecule becomes overtaxed doing its job and cannot keep the repair rate up fast enough, this is when disease sets in.So in actual reality it would neutralise the calorie rate in the body and also enhance the bad stuff such as free radicals to be out of control.The last question you asked does it happen with every type of food, and the answer is two fold firstly, it depends on exposure to radiation time, and the phytonutrients plus flavonoids present in the food, if you are using broccoli for example the flavonoids in the broccoli should give it a high chance of sustaining its life,healthful giving properties, but if its a meat pie there is definately no phtonutrients or flavonoids to really protect the pie so all is wasted and nutrition gone and free radical activity jump up trmendously.I hope all this helps david and sorry if its a long answers.

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