
Is it true that modern women are more than willing to pick up the tab?

by  |  earlier

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but just can't seem to remember their wallet ?




  1. Um, I've been with my b/f for 3 1/2 years and If i have the money...yes I WILL PAY.  It's only fair.

    I think the guy should pay for the first 3 dates, and then if they can..the girl should chip in...if she can.

  2. Nope.  I dropped $50 for dinner tonight.

  3. I have no problem paying for my dinner when I'm on a date. I have no problem paying for the entire dinner once in awhile. I however can not stand when the guy I'm out with doesn't think the same. I feel that a man should always offer to pay.

  4. Hasn't happened to me. I like to think if I ask her out, I will pick up the tab.

  5. Many of my girlfriends tell me that if the man does not pay for the restaurant date, she loses interest.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Ladies: Be a first class woman, not a second rate feminist.

  6. If a guy asked me to dinner, I would expect him to pay because he asked me. If it is a group thing with my friends then we all pay for our own meals and help. If I invited someone to dinner, then I would offer to pay for their meal and mine.

  7. I often do pick up the tab, and no, I make sure to have my wallet with me.

    Of course that's just me, I can't speak for others.

  8. Many modern women have to pick up the tab...

    They're by themselves.

    Modern women are so proud of being "independent" that they place a barrier between themselves and healthy relationships with men.

    ...That coupled with all of the misguided feminism rattling around in their heads and I feel bad for them.

    I really do.

  9. My experience is that women prefer the man to pick up the tab especially in the beginning. But they also want to be able to buy you dinner once in a while as well.

    One thing that I've found to happen when a woman I'm out with buys dinner is that the waiter or waitress always brings me the bill and even the receipt after having processed the credit card. So that tells you something of what the waiters experience is with who pays is and how common it is for the man to be buying.

  10. "when he's practically begging to do it, and when he owes me a favour."

    Good grief.

  11. I usually feel uncomfortable when ANYONE picks up the tab, boy or girl. I just don't see why they should. If I'm with a man, I wouldn't conveniently "forget" my wallet. We're equals and being a woman does not mean that I'm physically unable to pay for my own meal. However, if it's a mutual thing, where we'd treat one another once in a while, or if one of us would pay when the other would actually forget their wallet or is short on money then it's fine.

    I do think that modern women are willing to pick up the tab, just as long as it isn't for too many times. Otherwise, they'll feel that the man is taking advantage of them.

  12. Most of them I know aren't willing to do it, at least not on anything resembling a regular basis.  But apparently many women out there will do this.

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