
Is it true that most of the times a humorous revenge (something resembling mockery)...?

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is far more hurtful than an angry and bitter revenge?




  1. The mockery of a bitter revenge by trying to make it seem humorous makes me angry.

  2. Maybe it would show an element of cool detached self control I reckon, it is not done in a fit of rage, there could be perhaps a hint of forgiveness in such a humorous response. lol


  3. I think it often can be. Mocking someone humiliates him and makes him seem absurd. He is seen as being too insignificant to arouse any strong feelings in you and is only a joke to you. Being angry at someone is a form of regard. You find an enemy worthy of your feelings in such a case.

  4. True!

    A humorous  revenge has the element of ridicule in it!!!

    Anger and bitterness show our hurt and our need.

    Laughter shows our total indifference or devaluation of issues.

  5. 8

    It certainly avoids the stress hormone secretion in the revenger

  6. I hate those type of "insults".  That's what they are, after all.  The mockery so often has a ring of truth and a dagger attached but the person is too afraid to say anything openly, so they "joke" about it.  I'd rather have someone come out and serve me a direct blow than to try and sugar coat it with humor.  

  7. yes because humiliation is even more painful than spite.

  8. Not all people, things and events are the same. Values, disciplines and cultures mostly influence the reactions. It's the way how you look at it.

  9. Yes, there's no truth to the old saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me". Words and mockery can hurt more deeply than physical pain, for they can hurt you to your soul. A rapier-like wit must be kept under control, as there are those we seek to to inflict real damage on with full derision, but others we simply mean to chide with a minor flesh wound.    

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