
Is it true that most people in Algeria earn less than $100.00 per month in wages ?

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I was wondering how much most Algerians earn per week or per month.I thought I read somewhere that they are very hard workers but earn around 1.00 per hour.Is this true ?




  1. Not exactely. The net minimum wage is 15 000 Algerian Dinars, i.e. approximately  USD 225 per month. This is the minimum salary net of taxes.This is the minimum legal salary. This means that many people earn more than that.

    You can assume that average monthly salary (net of taxes) is around USD750.

    Also, in Algeria, the cost of living is lower than in western countries. One bread cost is 15 cents, 1 liter of milk cost 35 cents, etc. Medical care is free, education is free, etc.

  2. Sorry lady, this is a false information. As in any country, there poor and rich in Algeria. We have a minority of poor people but the middle class and rich people live comfortably and earn much more than 100 dollars a month. The number of cars is four times what it was three years ago and the number of large beautiful houses is twice what it was five years ago. This is for your information

  3. It's hard to look at it that might be possible, but life in Algeria is no where as expensive as it is in places like the US. In Algeria, one is not paying hundreds of dollars towards taxes, water, heat, mortgage, and every other bill that vaccuums the bank accounts of Americans. It costs a lot less to get around in Algeria. For example, in 2002, a slice of pizza costed 20 DA, which at that time was about 25 cents (today more like 50 cents.) Here in America, the average slice of pizza is about $2-$3.

    Things like transportation are also a lot cheaper. 10 DA (about a quarter today) can get you around from one place to another. Most people use the trolley as a means of getting around, whearas Americans waste so much money on gas. And those Americans who chose to use the train still pay hundred a month, just to get to work. Many people also use taxis, where you can get a 10 minute ride for no more than a dollar.

    So you have to look at it from a different perspective; though US minimus wage may be a LOT higher than what many Algerians make, life over there indeed costs a LOT less.

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