
Is it true that not one Iraq was involved in the 911 incident?

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There is a American Soilder that has been speaking out to Americans about the innocent people our troops have been killing ,he states that not ONE Iraq was involved in any acts of terrorism against our country .DO you believe this?




  1. i truely believe what these people are sayying. bush just did some thing wrong and tryed to cover it up with this lie of his and went to invade Iraq.

  2. they were Saudis who lived in america - nothing Iraqi about that of course given living conditions in america I can certainly understand their anger

  3. As far as the 911 incident is concerned I believe most of those involved were primarily of the  Saudi Arabian nationality.  But it is probable that an Iraqi was involved in the planning phases of the operation.

  4. umm supposedly no but the gov was financing some terrorist groups and commiting crimes against its own people

  5. there were no iraqis involved in 9/11 bush the genius invaded wrong country

  6. Yes it is true.

  7. They were mostly Saudis.In fact,Saddam hated Bin Ladin.Bush wanted Iraqi oil as payback for his paymasters in Big Business,also,his family are deeply involved in the oil business.All the Americans who were killed & maimed,suffered because of greed,as did the Iraqis.If you die for your country,you are a hero,if you  die because of some-one else's greed,you are a fool.

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