
Is it true that on Obamas wed sight ,from the black panthers say they will riot?

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on the news they were talking about the wed sight and how the black panthers were going to riot in the city's all over the USA if Obama was not given the presidency,and if they do what does this mean to the people that don't want to riot.




  1. I don't know haven't read the web site but nothing would surprise me, blacks have riot before for less reasons.

  2. I go to his site from time to time and I have never seen that stated.

    Here is his link.

    If anyone can tell me where to find a statement like that I would like to read it.

  3. It would not surprise me at all although I have not heard of this.  It would prove to me that those that riot only want a black man in for president. They don't care what happens to the country and are not looking at whether that person has experience or is qualified for the job or not.  All they want to see is the "black" face in office.  If he doesn't get elected, they will p**s and moan that the only reason he didn't get elected is that is black.  The earth is doomed if we allow this kind of thing to happen.  

    Scenario - All the women in the world should cry discrimination if Hillary doesn't get elected - because of course the only reason she didn't get elected is because she is a woman.   It's about time others play the discrimination game.

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