
Is it true that only terrorists rename sewage plants?

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  1. This is a travesty.

    Renaming this plant will only bring trouble. If it begins to work like its namesake, it will:

    Corrupt the courts into allowing defective operation.

    Refuse to operate at least 50% of the time.

    Deliver cleaned water out through the inlet ports.

    Spit refuse into the bay.

    Blame Iraq for its poor operation and attack.

    Operate at 10 times the energy cost as previously.

    I suggest they seriously reconsider this move; I'm sure that the continued positive operation of the sewage plant is important to the community.

  2. What a brilliant idea those left-coast Bush-bashers


    It's very inspirational. It's inspired me to start up a

    campaign to rename the polygraph the Gore-detector,

    and to rename pornography  Clintonography.

    As to  the answer to your question,  no it's not

    only terrorists who do that--other  jack-a$$es

    to it too.

  3. It is an obvious smear,on that I think we can agree. But truthfully I thought it was pretty funny,and a unique way to cast an insult. Seriously I think that San Fran,and California in general has reached a point where we should just give them to some other Country,Mexico wants them right?


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